
PlantWide Optimization of Vacuum & Visbreaker Units

Moradi, Sona | 2009

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  1. Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
  2. Language: Farsi
  3. Document No: 39469 (06)
  4. University: Sharif University of Technology
  5. Department: Chemical and Petroleum Engineering
  6. Advisor(s): Farhadi, Fatolah; Bozorgmehry Boozarjomehry, Ramin
  7. Abstract:
  8. Process optimization is a technique by which the plant operating condition is obtained such that a specific objective is achieved while the other process requirements are still met. These requirements can include product quality specifications, physical equipment limitations, and the constraints corresponding to the environmental, health, and safety issues. Frequently, this objective is an economic one. In the process optimization, the use of improper optimization techniques may lead to impractical results. One of these strategies is the plant wide optimization. In order to show the effect of plant wide optimization, one should use a complicated enough process as a bench mark of the mentioned optimization. A petroleum refinery is a very complicated process plant composed of different process units with many interactions. The residue is the heaviest fraction from the atmospheric crude distillation column. It is sent to a vacuum column where another separation can be performed. The vacuum column separates the atmospheric residue into several fractions whose bottom product called “vacuum residue” is thermally cracked in a unit called Visbreaker. In this study, Tehran refinery vacuum distillation and visbreaker units have been chosen as the plant-wide optimization benchmark. Difference between the results of plant-wide and unit-wise optimization results has been rarely pointed out in the literatures. In this study, after dynamic simulation of the vacuum distillation and visbreaker units (there is several free radical reaction in visbreaker unit which there kinetics haven’t been known yet) according to design and operational data of Tehran refinery, the optimization, based on profit maximization as target function, is carried out for individual units. As far as the products of each unit are considered marketable individually, the simulation and optimization is satisfactory. When the two units are coupled, the dynamic simulation mode is used to obtain plant-wise optimization. The optimum values of variables in this mode are quite different from the unit-wise results. The variation of product composition of vacuum unit, which is the feedstock of visbreaker unit, affects the optimization results as two units are coupled together. The impact of interactions during this coupling is important and leads to quite different results
  9. Keywords:
  10. Vacuum Distillation ; Visbreaking ; Genetic Algorithm ; Dynamic Simulation ; Plant Wide ; Optimization

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