Effect if Strengthening of Continuous RC Beams with FRP Laminates on Moment Redistribution under Vertical Loads
Daneshfar, Naser | 2009
- Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
- Language: English
- Document No: 39691 (53)
- University: Sharif University of Technology, International Campus, Kish Island
- Department: Science and Engineering
- Advisor(s): Mostofinejad, Davoud
- Abstract:
- The continual deterioration and insufficient strength of reinforced concrete (RC) structures has been a vital problem in the field of civil engineering such an extent that traditional methods of strengthening found to be inconvenient. Nowadays by increasing demands for retrofitting of structures, it necessitates the application of efficient, inexpensive and unobtrusive methods of strengthening. Common way on retrofitting was to use of steel plates externally bonded to RC members. Although this technique has proven to be reasonably effective, it has several distinct disadvantages such as susceptibility of the steel plates to corrode and the excessive weight of steel plates when used in long-span beams. Recently, there has been an emergence of structural engineering applications employing Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) composites as an alternative to steel plates. FRP composites are well known for their high strength- and stiffness-to-weight ratios, corrosion resistance, durability, and ease of application. Numerous studies have been conducted to prove the efficiency of bonding FRP on structural elements. FRP plated structures suffer from deboning problem which commonly occurs before plate has reached to its desired strength or ductility. There are various forms of debonding including: plate end (PE) debonding; critical diagonal crack (CDC) debonding; and intermediate crack (IC) debonding. IC debonding is an especially important mechanism as it will occur at plated hinges of continuous members, and unlike other premature debonding mechanisms, IC debonding is very difficult to prevent. Although lots of studies have done on predicting debonding mechanisms of FRP plated structures, little attention has been given to ability of plated RC members in redistributing of bending stresses. Statically indeterminate RC beams dose not fail when their critical sections have reached to their ultimate capacity, these sections can rotate as a plastic hinge while the adjacent regions develop their full bending capacity. In this research, concept of moment redistribution in continuous beams under vertical loading was investigated. Some available experimental works modeled and non-linearly analyzed using appropriate FEM computer program (ABAQUS v. 6.7-1).effects of deboning and FRP laminates configuration on achieving the optimum amount of moment redistribution and strengthening technique have been investigated.
- Keywords:
- Upgrading ; Ductility ; ABAQUS Software ; Modeling ; Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) ; Reinforcement Concrete Beam ; Moment Redistribution
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