
Enhancing Umbrella Activities in Agile Methodologies

Hassani Sadi, Mahsa | 2009

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  1. Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
  2. Language: Farsi
  3. Document No: 39737 (19)
  4. University: Sharif University of Technology
  5. Department: Computer Engineering
  6. Advisor(s): Ramsin, Raman
  7. Abstract:
  8. The adaptive nature of agile processes and their conformance to the turbulent nature of business and organizational environments has been greeted with enthusiasm by both project and stakeholder communities. Through deviating from conventional linear and plan-driven frameworks, Agility aims at accommodating the dynamicity of its target environment at the process level during the project lifecycle. This deviation from standard frameworks confronts process management and project framework activities with key challenges. While existing frameworks and standards provide adequate support for linear process management, the agile approach lacks a coherent framework that defines and outlines process management during the project lifecycle. Although research efforts on agile project management abound, they remain either too abstract – restricting themselves to the outlines of agile project management as delineated in the Agile Manifesto and the Agile Principles, or too detailed and concrete –collecting project management frameworks and fine-grained activity patterns extracted from prominent agile processes such as SCRUM, XP, ASD, Crystal Clear and FDD to provide project managers with a set of guidelines. These efforts, though aiding project managers in handling the flexibility and adaptability of the process, do not offer a coherent framework which could provide a comprehensive insight into the agile project management environment, its scope, and the outlines and boundaries of its activities. Although prominent agile processes provide adequate support of project management activities, they provide specialized guidelines for applying project management activities, giving no idea of the big picture of agile project management processes. To Bridge the gap between the abstract outlines of agile project management principles and their realization and specialization into concrete activity patterns adopted in agile processes, in this thesis, we propose a generic framework for agile project management. The proposed framework provides a process-centered analysis of agile project management activities, and depicts how adaptability and flexibility can be realized and managed at the process level. Utilizing the proposed framework, we have developed an approach for enhancing agility of project management processes in software development methodologies.
  9. Keywords:
  10. Agile Methodology ; Agile Process ; Project Management ; Methodology ; Software Development

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