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    Definition of a Set of Process Patterns and a Generic Meta-Model for Component-Based Development Methodologies

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Kouroshfar, Ehsan (Author) ; Ramsin, Raman (Supervisor)
    Although Component-Based Development (CBD) is not a novel approach, it is still extensively used for building various types of software systems, and is expected to remain popular for the foreseeable future. There exist several software development methodologies that support the construction of component-based systems, and the domain has matured over the years. When viewed collectively, CBD methodologies have indeed addressed all the relevant issues; however, none of the methodologies covers all the aspects of component-based software development. A general methodology can resolve this through addressing the deficiencies while being customizable according to the specifics of the project... 

    Human Capital Development and Utilization Methodology in a Public Sector Organization: Dynamic Capability Approach

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Esmailzadeh Azari, Amir (Author) ; Kermanshah, Ali (Supervisor) ; Sanjari, Ahmad Reza (Supervisor)
    It is proposed, in this research, a methodology for a public sector organization to integrate policy making in human capital development and utilization area. In this case the researcher used system dynamics method for modeling and analyzing the situation, to describe the mechanisms that produce the difficulties in the organization. The researcher mentioned the differences between public sector and profit organization, in designing the main part of the model and also the use of dynamic capability approach in designing human capital development parts of it. The model built in this research, describe the events before and after the 1990s separately, according to the different policy making... 

    Enhancing Umbrella Activities in Agile Methodologies

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Hassani Sadi, Mahsa (Author) ; Ramsin, Raman (Supervisor)
    The adaptive nature of agile processes and their conformance to the turbulent nature of business and organizational environments has been greeted with enthusiasm by both project and stakeholder communities. Through deviating from conventional linear and plan-driven frameworks, Agility aims at accommodating the dynamicity of its target environment at the process level during the project lifecycle. This deviation from standard frameworks confronts process management and project framework activities with key challenges. While existing frameworks and standards provide adequate support for linear process management, the agile approach lacks a coherent framework that defines and outlines process... 

    Definition of a Set of Process Patterns for Aspect-Oriented Software Development Methodologies

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Khari, Masoud (Author) ; Ramsin, Raman (Supervisor)
    The Aspect-Oriented Software Development (AOSD) approach provides a systematic way to identify, modularize, and represent aspects, i.e. crosscutting concerns in software systems. AOSD methods bring a high level of changeability, configurability, and maintainability in the presence of ever-changing users' requirements. Focusing on aspects during early stages of the software development lifecycle has consequently received special attention by many researchers, leading to the advent of numerous AOSD methods. This has accordingly given a relatively high level of maturity to aspect-oriented (AO) processes. Process patterns, on the other hand, have been adopted as suitable mechanisms for defining... 

    Analyzing and Enhancing Methodology Evaluation Methods

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Hesar, Shokoofeh (Author) ; Ramsin, Raman (Supervisor)
    The emergence of various software development processes with different aspects raises the need to evaluate and measure their capabilities and deficiencies. The evaluation must consider different parameters of software development projects and their similarities, differences and features in the context of existing methodologies; therefore we need criteria that cover these needs. Apart from the research that has been done on analysis and evaluation of software development methodologies and processes, there is a need for a general multi-aspect framework for the evaluation of methodologies with different aspects. Lack of general criteria for covering different aspects and the inadequacy of... 

    Criteria Based Framework for Creation of Web-based Application Development Methodologies Using SME

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Babanezhad Harikandeh, Reza (Author) ; Ramsin, Raman (Supervisor)
    Due to the expansion of the Internet, web-based systems have rapidly proliferated. Firms, corporations, supermarket chains and governments provide their services through web-based systems, and there are companies that provide web-based services for other companies. Because of this development and expansion, many web-application development methodologies have been developed, and web-development versions of many renowned methodologies are now available. In order to improve the performance of system engineering teams and increase product quality, it has become necessary to construct or adapt software development methodologies in order to fit the specific project at hand. This method of... 

    Designing a Model-Based Process and Architecture for Partial Automation of Software Development

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Jalal, Ali (Author) ; Habibi, Jafar (Supervisor)
    Automation of the software development process is the software engineers' final goal, but with the current facilities and knowledge in software engineering, it is not possible to automatically generate the whole software. Usually all the software in a specific domain contain common behaviors, which by careful exploration of these common behaviors and automation of code generation in these sections, the cost and time of projects' execution can be reduced. According to Model Driven Development (MDD), the first step in software development is creating appropriate models. For creating models, metamodel is required; therefore, we need to create a specific motamodel for the chosen domain or use... 

    Rationality of Scientific Knowledge From the Point of View of Feyerabend

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Zali, Farshid (Author) ; ZibaKalam, Saeed (Supervisor)
    Feyerabend was a philosopher of science that became famous for his purportedly anarchistic view of science and his rejection of the existence of universal methodological rules and rationality of science. Feyerabend’s view of science can be summarize in a few points; 1. On the issue of falsifiability, Feyerabend argues that no theory is ever consistent with all the relevant facts. He sees the use of ad-hoc postulates to save the dominant paradigm as an essential to the progress of science. He claims that scientists frequently depart completely from the scientific method when they use ad-hoc ideas to explain observations that are only later justified by theory. To Feyerabend, ad-hoc... 

    Extracting Architecture and Mapping it to the Architecture Styles from Existing Methodologies and Survey the Benefits of using Them

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Isazadeh, Iman (Author) ; Habibi,Jafar (Supervisor)
    Nowadays, research in the field of software architecture has become an important topic as a key element in software processes. Software Development Methodologies are not excluded. Importance and the need to improve and maintain methods, training new people and producing reasonable documents have highlighted the role of software architecture, especially in the methods that do not good predictions for these cases. In this project a solution would be introduced that we can extract the architecture of a methodology by using in hand techniques and tools. Then we would map the extracted architecture to architectural styles. So in addition of the benefit of using an architecture based design, we... 

    Readout and Study on the Position of Empirical Survey in Social Sciences; Based on Roy Bhaskar’s Ideas

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Foroozande, Marzieh (Author) ; Afrough, Emad (Supervisor)
    Methodology has always one of important issues in philosophy of science; especially in social sciences lots of challenges arise from this field. Each of positivistic and relativistic different schools, on their own ontology about human and society, had suggested different methods of social studies. Roy Bhaskar, as the others, offers a model for scientific method, on the base of his own critical realistic ontological principles; and tries to secure his model from the objections on previous models of scientific method. In this model, hi suppose empirical survey as an obvious and undoubted activity in science. Then, he transcendentally derives his ontological principles from this antecedent,... 

    A Model-Driven Approach for Developing Self-Adaptive Multi-Agent Systems

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Feyzi, Farid (Author) ; Ramsin, Raman (Supervisor)
    A growing number of distributed information systems need to operate in open, dynamic and heterogeneous environments, and are required to adapt themselves to environmental changes in order to satisfy specific design objectives. These self-adaptive systems are inherently complex, mainly due to the complexity of their environments and the effects of dynamic adjustments made to their structure and behavior. Developing such complex systems is still an important challenge insoftware engineering.Agent technology is considered as an appropriate and powerful paradigm for developing complex and dynamic distributed systems. Intelligent/autonomous agents have been proved useful for enhancing flexibility... 

    Methodology of Religious ScienceWith Respect to Dr.Golshani’s Theory of Religious Scienceand Dr.Khosropanah’s Hikmai-Ejtihadi’s Pattern on Humanities

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Rahemi, Mohammad Hossein (Author) ; Golshani, Mehdi (Supervisor) ; Khosropanah, Abdolhossien (Co-Advisor)
    If we accept that there is a thing called “religious Science”, then we should accept that, all of its scientific elements should be based on, or be compatible with religion (in its general meaning). So, here is the question: Is there a particular “religious methodology” required for the “religious science”? Does “religious”, as an adjective also applies to methodology of science? Anyway, if we want to generate “religious science” based on religious foundations, we should characterize our position about “methodology of religious science”. Negligence of this important subject would cause a theoretical vacuum in discussions about religious science. In this thesis, after explaining some general... 

    Towards a Framework for Self-adaptive Service-oriented Architecture Based on Quality Attributes and Patterns

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Parvizi Mosaed, Alireza (Author) ; Habibi, Jafar (Supervisor) ; Mirian Hosseinabadi, Hassan ($item.subfieldsMap.e)
    One of the major and costly activity in Information Systems is controlling the quality of Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) that has some challenges such as a long time is needed for detection and refinement of changeability of architecture qualities, how to quantify its quality attributes and variation in architecture changes. Self-adaptation of architecture is a novel automatic method that can be composed with architectural patterns to quantify and control the quality of SOA. In this paper, a self-adaptive framework, process and methodology is defined for this issue. Based on MAPE-K model, evaluation metrics by applying architectural tactics and final quality based on quality models and... 

    A Feature-driven Methodology for Situational Methodology Engineering

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Mahdavi Hezave, Rezvan (Author) ; Ramsin, Raman (Supervisor)
    Software engineers have long realized that they cannot use existing methodologies for all project situations, as every software development project has its own specific characteristics. Therefore, a branch of software engineering–known as Situational Method Engineering (SME)–has emerged which helps develop bespoke methodologies to fit the specific characteristics of each and every project situation. As in software development, SME too involves rigorous Requirements Engineering (RE), so much so that if requirements elicitation and definition is botched in any way, methodology development will most likely fail as a result. In software engineering, requirements engineering has long been the... 

    A Methodology for Developing Knowledge Management Systems

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Dehghani, Razieh (Author) ; Ramsin, Raman (Supervisor)
    Dealing with complicated organizational situations in the current competitive and uncertain market requires making the best management decisions at the earliest time possible. As making the best decisions requires the possession of adequate and accurate knowledge, knowledge has become the most valuable asset of organizations. Knowledge Management (KM) spans managing the identification, capture, storage, sharing, usage and creation of knowledge. Using an appropriate Knowledge Management System (KMS) can ensure the provision of essential knowledge for decision making, and can manage the complexity of the competitive market by maintaining and managing the relevant organizational knowledge....