
Performance Evaluation of Tall Building with Dual Systems SMRF & Concrete Shear Wall

Mousavi, Saeed | 2009

565 Viewed
  1. Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
  2. Language: Farsi
  3. Document No: 39889 (09)
  4. University: Sharif University of Technology
  5. Department: Civil Engineering
  6. Advisor(s): Vafaee, Abolhasan
  7. Abstract:
  8. For many years of tall buildings with regard to the development and progress towns are necessary for the urbanite of the city and are considered as progress of the symbols societies. These buildings because of high wore their features special treatment under the influence lateral loads like the earthquake. In a way that today is an important issue in seismology and Earthquake Engineering all the powerful movements of the earth and its effect on the performance of the workforce special buildings as tall. Two points in this important subject. First modeling and simulations of the Most Powerful Earthquakes that in general occur in the field of near source earthquake generator. The earthquake of that Pales with the speed and displacement of the earthquake in the domain of around separable and because of specific frequency coordination content in the domain of the earthquake near field with tall buildings importance. In the second point is subject to open a workforce performance that should control behavior in front of the movements of the show. Different lateral load resistant systems in the cause of the high resistance characteristics and material characteristics of the geometric figures show the performance of different burdens in the earthquake dynamic loads. Among these systems that have a good chance in the workforce designers is that, you steel moment resistance with concrete shear walls. modeling of time and workforce and analysis of this collection is also an important issue in the amount of realistic results to be effective. In this project in the way to achieve results in the next 2-D frames field high in the number of different classes and with different systems porter lateral record under the influence of the earthquake are different For an analysis of non-linear time history can be time parameter of different functional behavior and the workforce in the study of various kinds of dynamic quake loads.
  9. Keywords:
  10. High Buildings ; Frequency Content ; Near-Field Earthquake ; Nonlinear Time History Analysis ; Steel Moment Resistant Frame ; Concrete Shear Wall

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