Analyzing Determinants of Customers’ Switching Intentions from Internet Service Providers
Mousavi, Samaneh | 2009
- Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
- Language: Farsi
- Document No: 40169 (44)
- University: Sharif University of Technology
- Department: Management and Economics
- Advisor(s): Najmi, Manoochehr
- Abstract:
- This study analyzes determinants of customers’ switching intentions. The context of this study is service area and we have studied customers’ behavior of internet service providers. In this research we focus both on transactional and relational variables. We have tried to clarify the role of consumers’ commitment on their intentions to switch. Drawing from literature and based on previous service switching research we have developed a switching model. This includes two component of customer commitment and the antecedents of commitment. We have developed our hypothesis according to this model and the literature review. The survey was administered to ADSL internet home users. A sample of 130 internet users filled in the questionnaire. The content validity of the survey was confirmed and the reliability of scales was tested using Cronbach’s Alpha. We have based our research on examining the relations of variables through correlation and multiple regression analysis. The causal direct and indirect effects of variables have been tested through path analysis technique. The results show that commitment components have direct negative effect on switching intention of internet users. Moreover, All the relations have been confirmed. In this study, the implications of the model for theory and practice are discussed.
- Keywords:
- Consumer Behavior ; Customer Satisfaction ; High Speed Internet Services ; Provider Companies ; Commitment ; Switching Barriers ; Involvement ; Switching Intention
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