A Framework For Developing Corporate Innovation Strategy; PATSA Group Case Study
Tajeddin, Hamed | 2010
- Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
- Language: Farsi
- Document No: 40364 (44)
- University: Sharif University of Technology
- Department: Management and Economics
- Advisor(s): Kermanshah, Ali; Isaaei, Mohammad Taghi
- Abstract:
- There has been a lively debate between two major strategist groups in innovation strategy literature. The first, with Ansoff being the protagonist, pose a rational approach in describing a corporate innovation strategy formulation process while the other group, with Mintzburg as the protagonist, prescribe an incremental approach.It seems that in continuous change and uncertainty, rational approach can weakly predict the reality and one can claim that in such situations incremental approach is more effective than rational approach. Based on the review of literature and consequent classification, most of the strategies that are named as innovation strategies in literature use rational approach. Hence, taking Porter model as the base of many of such strategies and criticizing its deficiency in showing the relation of between the past of a firm and its available strategic choices and also neglecting the role of factors such as firm size and its product and technology base, a model was posed inspired by dynamic capabilities theory and the fitness of the model was evaluated. Main objectives of the research are identifying various factors affecting innovation strategy of a firm, developing a framework using dynamic capability theory for describing the innovation strategy and assess model validity with a case study on PATSA Group Co. To meet these objectives, a qualitative research was considered and based on that some interviews with aforementioned company employees were conducted. After the analysis of data, three major themes were found as the main factors affecting innovation strategy which were, process, position and path. We found out that our posed model has a better fitness than prior traditional models to reality. Finally, some recommendations were made toward forming the innovation strategy based on the model with incremental approach.
- Keywords:
- Innovation ; Dynamic Capability ; Innovation Strategy ; Rational Approach ; Incremental Approach
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