The Study on Dynamic and Mechanical Properties of Carbon and Polyamide Fiber Reinforced Isolators
Jafari, Mohammad Hosein | 2009
- Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
- Language: Farsi
- Document No: 40419 (09)
- University: Sharif University of Technology
- Department: Civil Engineering
- Advisor(s): Bakhshi, Ali; Valadoost Tabrizi, Vahid
- Abstract:
- For the sake of decrease in energy and force of earthquake, seismic isolators are used. Regular seismic isolators are too heavy and damaged by chemical materials, therefore in this research a new approach is used that steel shim plates replaced by carbon and polyamide fibers. The aim of this research is to obtain the dynamic and mechanical properties of carbon and polyamide fiber reinforced isolators in comparison with steel reinforced isolators. In this approach, firstly some specimens have been designed and manufactured, then compresional and cyclic shear tests were carried out on them. All three type isolators are cylindrical and have identical diameter and height. The steel, carbon fiber and polyamide fiber reinforced isolators have 16, 23 and 23 layers reinforcement, respectively. Also, in the sake of decrease in error tests, 6 samples of each type isolators have been manufactured (totally 18 samples). The results of experiments show that using the flexible reinforcement result in increasing of damping up to 20 and 30 percent for carbon and polyamide fiber reinforced isolators, respectively . Also, carbon fiber rather than polyamide fiber , provided better performance for isolators. In this research , behavior of the aformentioned isolators by finite element method and using ABAQUS software simulation and the obtained horizontal force-displacement curves have been compared to corresponding curves in experimental tests. The results of analyses indicate that using of effective test data on rubber for modeling the correct behavior of isolator, is necessary. In addition, this results show that flexibility of reinforcement does not affect on shear modulus of isolator.
- Keywords:
- Vibration Isolators ; Finite Element Analysis ; Polyamides ; Dynamic Properties ; Mechanical Properties ; Seismic Isolator ; Carbon Fibers
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