Optimization of Oily and Biological Sludge Digestion and Dewatering Process for Arak Refinery Wastewater Treatment Plant
Jalouli, Alireza | 2010
- Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
- Language: Farsi
- Document No: 40710 (06)
- University: Sharif University of Technology
- Department: Chemical and Petroleum Engineering
- Advisor(s): Borghei, Mehdi
- Abstract:
- Different strategies for the treatment and disposal of petroleum and biological sludge found in the treatment and reuse unit of Arak Petroleum Refinery have been studied in the present study. To this end, the resources found in the literature corresponding to the different fields of sludge treatment were studied and a summary of them which was required by this research was mentioned in the thesis. Considering the problems bound to the wastewater treatment unit of this refinery plant and the previous studies, two completely separate strategies were devised. The first one concerns petroleum and biological sludge being produced continuously. The method of aerobic fixation of petroleum sludge by microorganisms available in the biological sludge in a laboratory aerobic digester was selected for the mentioned sludge and the effect of petroleum sludge addition as a nutrient for acclimated microorganisms of biological sludge was investigated during 50 days of which the results are presented in chapter 6. Then, three sorts of cationic polymeric coagulant, namely, Chemec 5264, Zetag 7563, and Kitosan were added to the sludge at different dosages in order to dewater the fixed sludge and reduce its volume. To assess the effect of coagulants addition, we used Jar Test and Buchner funnel filtration and parameters such as Specific Resistance of Filtration (SRF), Moisture Content (MC), net yield of sludge solid particles (YN), Dewatering Index (DI), and Time To Filter (TTF) were determined to evaluate the results of dewatering tests from which 200 ppm dosage of Zetag 7563 polymer was chosen as the best coagulant. Finally, the properties of the resulting sludge for landfilling were compared to EPA standards of which the results are available in chapter 6. The second strategy focuses on the petroleum sludge accumulated in the past years. Solidification and stabilization methods by using sludge as an additive to the primary feed of grey cement production were chosen for this sludge. For this purpose, four samples of petroleum sludge at different dosages were mixed together with the primary feed of cement production and four sorts of cement were produced through the laboratory baking process. Inductively Coupled Plasma (ICP) was used to assess the fixation of heavy metals in the structure of concretes produced from each cement type. It was revealed, by comparison to the check sample, that the fixation of heavy metals in concrete structure is almost 100%. Lime test was performed to determine energy savings by addition of different dosages of petroleum sludge to the primary feed of cement production and the sludge mixture of 3% with 273 kcal/kg energy saving was chosen. All results obtained in this study were presented to Arak Petroleum Refinery as a practical proposal
- Keywords:
- Dehydration ; Solidification ; Coagulation ; Oily Sludge ; Aerobic Digestion
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