Criteria for Evaluating Bogie Performance For Sustaining Ride Quality
Shokouhi Dolat Abadi, Nader | 2010
- Type of Document: Ph.D. Dissertation
- Language: Farsi
- Document No: 40754 (08)
- University: Sharif University of Technology
- Department: Mechanical Engineering
- Advisor(s): Sayyadi, Hassan
- Abstract:
- This thesis proposes a dynamic model for studding influences of suspension components behavior on rail vehicle dynamics. As the air springs are very important isolating component in rail vehicles, a new complete nonlinear air spring model, with taking into consideration of thermo–dynamical effects, is developed. The model coefficients are tuned based on the real test data and it can be easily used in dynamic modeling of air springs. The new proposed vehicle model is a complete track–vehicle model with 70 degree of freedoms which is addressed as a modular type. Experimental results from complete rail–vehicle field test, showed remarkable agreement between proposed model and test results. Effects of air spring parameters on the system performances are investigated. By using achieved illustrative graphs about air suspension parameters influences on the system performances, the parameters are tuned so transmitted vibration to the passengers is reduced. To optimize air suspension behavior, GA optimization approach is investigated. Sperling ride comfort index is selected as fitness function and it is minimized by optimization techniques. Simulation results showed that in optimization approach, objective frequency range is well matched with the engineering one, which approves the engineering technique results.
To sustain ride comfort of passengers within the acceptable range, the identification of key components behavior in secondary suspension is investigated by using only measurable signals. Then, the deviation of major components behavior is detected by means of N.N. techniques. The results showed that removing secondary vertical dampers from the vehicle dynamics decrease the comfort of passengers around 20%. To sustain comfort of passengers within the acceptable range in the case of secondary vertical damper faults, and to minimize modifications which should be applied to the real vehicle, one orifice with variable diameter is considered for each air suspension system. By using proposed orifice control algorithm and by means of skyhook damping force control, if deviation in secondary vertical dampers behavior observed, the ride comfort of passengers sustains within acceptable range by applying the proposed orifice control algorithm.
- Keywords:
- Comfort ; Genetic Algorithm ; Fault Detection ; Air Spring ; Rail Vehicle Dynamics