An Integrated Methodology for Business Process Reengineering In Project-Based Organizations
Nouri, Saeed | 2010
- Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
- Language: Farsi
- Document No: 40989 (44)
- University: Sharif University of Technology
- Department: Management and Economics
- Advisor(s): Najmi, Manouchehr
- Abstract:
- The Study of antecedents and considering the status of Project-Based Organizations (PBOs) in our country such as MSA, Azarab, Sadad Machine, etc indicates that they are facing lots of problems in different aspects. This bad situation is in a way that amendment of part of sections guarantees the continuity of bad performance of these companies and we have to apply Business Process Reengineering and establishing a radical change in these firms. So the present research according to managers and experts opinions, several year observations of the writer and review of the literature of BPR, Project Management (PMBOK) and PBOs; and based on a library research, introduces the processes of PBOs in 3 categories: Core Processes, Support Processes and Management Processes; and then presents its proposed framework and Methodology for reengineering this organizations in two sections: 1- Development of a structural model Named “Project-Process Matrix” or PPM for these organizations: Since in a BPR Plan having a suitable structural model for establishing different dimensions of organization on it, helps BPR managers to execute a successful organizational change. PPM has been developed with combination between concepts of PBO structure and reengineering and process-centering (instead of duty orientation). 2- Development of an Integrated Methodology and concrete framework for executing BPR plan in PBOs: after exploration four strategies for BPR in PBOs (PR, BPR, BR, BNR) and a suitable methodology for implementing each of them; four Strategic plan of BPR in PBOs has been developed. (A strategic Plan of BPR is a collection of BPR strategies which combine in a logical way and executable algorithm) which are: Incremental Strategic Plan, Radical Strategic Plan, radical-Incremental Strategic Plan and Incremental-Radical Strategic Plan.
- Keywords:
- Project Based Organization ; Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK) ; Business Process Reengineering (BPR) ; Change Management ; Organizational Processes
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- 01_Besm Page
- 02_First Page
- 03_Tasvib Nameh
- 04_Taghdim
- 05_Taghdir
- 06_Abstract_Fa
- 07_Fehresthaa
- 08_Abreviations
- 09_Introduction
- 10_Sarfasl 1
- 11_Chapter1_Problem definition
- 12_Sarfasl 2
- 13_Chapter2_literature Review_Sec1
- 14_Chapter2_literature Review_Sec2
- 15_Chapter2_literature Review_Sec3
- 16_Chapter2_literature Review_Sec4
- 17_Chapter2_literature Review_Sec5
- 18_Sarfasl 3
- 19_Chapter3_Business Processes in PBOs
- 20_Sarfasl 4
- 21_Chapter4_Methodology_ P128
- 21_Chapter4_Methodology_Sec1
- 22_Sarfasl 5
- 23_Resources
- 24_Sarfasl 6
- 25_Attachment
- 25_Attachment_P174
- 26_Abstract_En
- 27_First Page_En