The Design and Construction of a Marine Current Turbine and Modeling the Flow Around It
Nikkhah, Ehsan | 2010
- Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
- Language: Farsi
- Document No: 41488 (08)
- University: Sharif University of Technology
- Department: Mechanical Engineering
- Advisor(s): Seif, Mohammad Saeed; Abbaspour, Madjid
- Abstract:
- Nowadays, science and technology, once again, lead approach to renewable natural resources to access energy due to fossil resources restrictions. Growing need for energy, being concerned about exhaustion of fossil resources, environmental pollution caused by burning fossil materials, climate warming and the greenhouse effect and etc. are obvious evidences of aforesaid fact. On the other hand, oceans and seas are large reservoirs of energy which comes from sunlight, geothermal resources, Earth's rotation and gravity by means of mechanical and hydrothermal processes. During the years, many ideas were conducted to achieve and mine the mentioned enormous energy potential of the oceans and seas. Tidal power as a source of energy storage in the ocean is raised from gravitational interaction between the Earth, sun and moon in combination with Earth's rotational motion. Ocean current energy systems are at an early stage of development with only a small number of prototypes and demonstrations to date. Ocean currents are a potentially significant and currently untapped resource of energy. Energy can be extracted from the ocean currents using submerged turbines that are similar in function to wind turbines but capture energy through a hydrodynamic rather than aerodynamic mechanism. In this thesis the performance of a novel tidal energy converter (TEC) is studied. The system, extracts the tidal energy from rotating motion of a rotor in tidal currents. The study begins with a thorough review on types of renewable energy and their application in Iran. Then an introduction to ocean wave, current and tidal, and thermal energy conversion is presented and some literature survey about related studies is reviewed. Chapter 2 discusses about tidal phenomenon. After that various methods of energy extraction from tidal and ocean currents is discussed in chapter 3. Then in chapter 4, the design and construction process of tidal energy converter in Marine Engineering Laboratory of School of Mechanical Engineering is explained. In chapter 5 results of computational modeling is presented and the performance of the device using different Savonius rotor shapes is obtained numerically. And finally, conclusion and recommendations for further work are suggested in chapter 6.
- Keywords:
- Offshore Renewable Energy ; Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) ; Waterwave Energy ; Marine Current Turbine ; Ocean Energy
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