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Design and Development of a Software for Analyzing Hydrodynamic Behavior of Spm System
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Abbaspour, Madjid (Supervisor)
In recent decades, SPM system has become a great method for transferring petroleum products to tankers and vice versa. SPM technology has shown his confidence and operation abilities. Sea waves are the most important phenomenon to be considered in the design of coastal and offshore structures. In this study dynamic motion of SPM floating structure is modeled under sea waves loading. Mooring lines connected to structure is modeled by using static stability equations and equivalent stiffness matrix is computed. First the SPM floating structure motion is modeled in 2 dimension (3 degree of freedom) using the boundary element method in frequency domain under regular sea waves loading and the...
Simulating Sediment Transportation (Scour) Under Pipelines
M.Sc. Thesis
Sharif University of Technology
Abbaspour, Madjid
Regarding to significant role of marine pipelines in transferring oil, water and other products, a research was carried out to study the sediment transportation (Scouring) under pipelines which threaten pipelines. Interaction between fluid phase (flow field), structure phase (pipe) and sediment, determine scour profile shape and specifications of each phase which can change scour depth. In this research Flow-3D software was used to simulate scouring process under cylinder. First the flow field around cylinder near wall was studied and the scour depth under direct and oscillating flow was simulated. In addition, in next pace, the number of pipes and their distance were varied to measure...
Investigation on Hydrodynamic Locomotion of Sea Turtle
M.Sc. Thesis
Sharif University of Technology
Abbaspour, Madjid
Nowadays, underwater vehicles designed by getting inspiration from aquatic animals’ motions have considerable merits; therefore, the issue of designing and building such vehicles has great significance. One of the aquatic animals, which can be a source of inspiration for designing vehicles with optimized propulsion and maneuver ability, is turtle. In order to design a robot under the inspiration of turtle locomotion, at first, it requires analyzing its locomotion carefully. In this project, it has been tried to do so. Having examined the motions of turtles and other aquatic animals thoroughly, the basics of their motions are achieved. Next, the locomotion of both sea and pond turtle are...
Design and Simulation of a Towed Underwater Vehicle
M.Sc. Thesis
Sharif University of Technology
Abbaspour, Madjid
Nowadays marine-tourism industry, especially under water tourism, has become very attractive. Thus, numerous under water vehicles are designed and constructed. The primary objective of the present study is to design an underwater vehicle capable of carrying ten passengers. Tow system is proposed as propulsion system. Due to the high costs, noise and vibrations of existing propulsion systems in medium size vehicles which contradicts the goal of calm atmosphere for passenger, the proposing system seems suitable and pragmatic. Two-part tow system is utilized to enhance the stability of the under water vehicle named Towfish. In this study the structure of towfish is being designed. Then,...
Evaluation of the Hydrodynamic Performance of A Special Submarine Rescue System
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Abbaspour, Madjid (Supervisor)
The increasing growth of marine tourism has strengthened the activities related to this industry. One of the most profitable of these activities is recreational submarines. A traction recreational submarine is an idea in this field, in order to reduce costs, the propulsion force is removed and the submarine is towed by the mother ship. The most important reason for using the traction system and removing the independent drive is to prevent vibration and noise caused by the rotation of the propeller to prevent the escape of aquatic animals and to create a beautiful view from under the sea to watch underwater wonders. Searching for safety and saving people's lives in emergency situations is an...
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Abbaspour, Madjid (Supervisor)
In order to design a ship with waterjet system, estimation of its hydrodynamic performance is crucial. Presence and operation of waterjet propulsion system changes the flow field and pressure distribution in bottom and stem of ship hull, so affect hydrodynamic performance of craft. In the present thesis, CFD analysis is applied to free surface flow around a waterjet propelled ship using ANSYS CFX software. Also a waterjet propulsion system is built and settled in a ship model and resistance and self propulsion tests are performed. In order to performing a systematic process in project, in the first step, pump design is performed with extracting optimum efficiency relations and cavitation...
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Sayyadi, Hassan (Supervisor) ; Abbaspour, Madjid (Supervisor)
Now a day measuring dimensions plays an important role in industries. Improving the technology of measuring the dimensions, leads to higher quality of production. It is important for industries to have a rapid and accurate dimensions in short time. In this thesis, we worked on measuring dimensions with 3D laser scanner and in the end, the results related to accuracy and speed and efficiency of the system was shown in the thesis
Lateral Buckling Analysis of Offshore Pipelines
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Ghoreishi, Reza (Supervisor) ; Abbaspour, Madjid (Supervisor)
This project deals with the global buckling in high pressure/high temperature (HP/HT) subsea pipelines. Some subsea pipelines are laid directly on the seabed. Large axial forces will generally cause an exposed pipeline to buckle sideways, or laterally, on the seabed. Pipelines may significantly expand during start-up and shutdown cycles, resulting in global buckle formation with high out-of-straightness (OOS).This global buckling behavior may be unacceptable if it is not properly managed. Global buckling mitigation can be achieved by providing controlled lateral movements of pipeline. Buckle mitigation devices are installed along the pipeline to provide buckle initiation sites, there by...
Numerical Investigation on Offshore wind Turbine Feasibility and Function
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Abbaspour Tehrani Fard, Madjid (Supervisor)
This thesis consists of three main chapters. The first chapter is about describing principles about offshore wind turbine, principal concepts. This chapter also explains about advantages and disadvantages of installing wind turbine at offshore fields, and economical aspect of this kind of wind turbine farms. In the second chapter,anumerical method is used to investigate a SeaStar tension leg platform offshore wind turbine response behavior in parked condition. This code considers nonlinearities due to changes in tension of tethers. Wave forces are calculated adopting the Airy wave theory. Furthermore, shear turbulent wind is exerted on tower, with maximum speed 30 m/s on the hub. Since surge...
Dynamic Analysis of Floating Offshore Wind Turbines
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Abbaspour Tehrani Fard, Madjid (Supervisor)
Use of wind energy is always one of the aims of man during the times. He used this energy for wheat grinding and sometimes for marine transportations. During recent decades, technology development forced human to harness this energy and use that for electricity production by employing onshore wind turbines. However, the modern engineering employed different arms of engineering such as marine engineering, civil engineering, mechanical engineering and electrical engineering for designing and installation of offshore wind turbines. But, huge water depths in offshore regions make the fixed leg turbines to be unacceptable solution. So, the floating wind turbines with mooring lines which attach...
An Innovative Method to Monitor Power Production Performance of Wind Farms Using Web-GIS Technique
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Abbaspour, Madjid (Supervisor) ; Mehdigholi, Hamid (Co-Advisor)
Nowadays because of population growth and limitation of fossil fuels for power generation purpose, utilization of renewable energy sources has become highlighted. According to the geographical situation for use of wind energy, since some areas of Iran are in suitable conditions the manufacture of wind turbines and installation in wind farms has been under development recently. Monitoring the performance and operation of turbines and wind farms is an inevitable matter. Because of the suitable geographical location of Iran and pursuant to fair wind potential sites widespread this country, this phenomenon requires some backgrounds in many aspects to be achieved. One of the most important...
Site Selection and Design of an Optimal OWC System for the Coastal and Offshore Areas of the Persian Gulf and the Sea of Oman
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Abbaspour Tehrani Fard, Madjid (Supervisor)
Today, to reduce the effects of greenhouse gases on the earth, as well as reduce dependence on fossil fuels and other non-renewable sources, the international community is moving towards greater use of renewable energy. The oscillating water column device as a wave energy converter system has the ability to use and absorb energy within the waves through a chamber consisting an air and a water column. This system has the ability to move the turbine installed on the valve by expanding and compressing the air passing through the valve. Oscillating water column systems have different categories, and this high diversity makes the choice of this wave energy converter closely related to the...
Numerical Simulation and Investigation of Impact of Climate Change on Probability Occurrence of Tropical Cyclone in Sea of Oman and Persian Gulf
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Abbaspour Tehrani Fard, Madjid (Supervisor)
Super cyclone GONU formed on June 2007 has been recognized the strongest tropical cyclone in the North Indian Ocean (NIO). The aim of this study is to numerically simulate the cyclone GONU and its resulting waves in the southern seas of Iran leading to the best parametric model to simulate future occurrence of tropical cyclones (TCs) in the NIO. In this regard, the best track data of the cyclone is extracted from Indian Meteorological Department (IMD). The cyclone GONU wind field is simulated by Young and Sobey, Holland, and Rankin models in order to determine the most appropriate model which is then considered for regenerating cyclonic wind fields over the Makran coastline and the sea of...
Design of an Integrated Iot and Renewable Energy System to Optimize Fuel Consumption In a Container Ship
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Abbaspour, Madjid (Supervisor) ; Khorasanchi, Mahdi (Supervisor)
One of the main methods to reduce fuel consumption and emissions is using renewable energy resources. This research proposes a hybrid renewable energy system on a container ship which includes one photovoltaic solar system, and one kite system. The photovoltaic system produces a part of the ship's electric power consumption and the kite system produces propulsion force using wind energy and transmitting this force to the ship through towing rope. Different components of these renewable energy systems are connected with the internet of things technology. In the internet of things structure design section, in addition to the conceptual design of different layers with emphasis on the processing...
Basic Design of Mooring Automatic Control System in Mooring Vessels
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Abbaspour Tehrani Fard, Madjid (Supervisor)
One of the most significant challenges and issues that port engineers and coastal specialists face in the field of improving port performance is the design and development of hardware systems to enhance the efficiency of loading and unloading operations of ships. These systems need to be designed in a way that reduces the duration of loading and unloading operations of ships and improves the efficiency of cranes. One efficient technology in this field is the Automatic Mooring Systems, which are connected to the hull of berthed ships and use hydraulic cylinders to generate control forces. On the other hand, as evident in today's world, artificial intelligence is recognized as a vital and key...
Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Nano-Robot Motion in Nano-Scale Flows
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Abbaspour, Madjid (Supervisor) ; Darbandi, Massoud (Supervisor)
There is a need to achieve a capability for detailed modeling of the physical processes nano-robots at nano-scales that is driven by the growing demands of nanotechnology.. This is regime where behavior runs contrary to the familiar macroscopic world; optimized engineering design may well benefit from insight gained by emulating some of the multitude of architectures and mechanisms to be found in the biological world. Despite the fact that micro-robotics has long captured the imagination, practical implementations are only now starting to become feasible. One class of nano-robot with potential medical applications was considered that made of single wall carbon nanotube; however, long before...
Conceptual Inspection of a Micro-Combined Cooling, Heating and Power Systems for Ships
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Abbaspour, Madjid (Supervisor) ; Saeedi, Mohammad Hassan (Co-Advisor)
Internal combustion (IC) engines are the major source of motive power in the ships. as the severity of the energy dearth and environmental pollution, different researches try to increase the total efficiency and reduce emissions. one of the improvable method is to get waste heat energy and reuse it to produce electricity, cooling and heating. studies of energy balance for marine diesel engine shows that there is potential to recovery waste heat from these motors. in this study a combined electricity, cooling and heating system based on regenerative Rankine cycle with an open feedwater heater and with two open feedwater heater and absorption refrigeration cycle is offered to recover the...
Harness Aquatic Clean Energy from Vortex Induced Vibration
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Abbaspour, Madjid (Supervisor) ; Afshin, Hossein (Co-Advisor)
Transverse Vortex-Induced Vibration(VIV) and Flow-Induced Vibration(FIV) of a rigid, circular, elastically mounted single degree of freedom cylinder is scrutinized in range 3×104≤ Re ≤12×104 by means of Computational Fluid Dynamics(CFD). ANSYS CFX, based on FV, is employed to simulate VIV and FIV in different system parameters such as stiffness and mass ratio. Firstly, the minimum structured, hexahedron computational cell required to simulate VIV and FIV by means of Finite Volume (FV) method is provided. Then, the appropriate size for computational domain to simulate VIV and FIV accurately is discussed concisely. Approximated amplitude and frequency ratio are compared to experimental data...
Numerical Analysis and Optimization of Waterjet System
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Abbaspour, Madjid (Supervisor) ; Behzad, Mehdi (Supervisor)
The inlet duct is one of the most important components of the waterjet propulsion system, whose hydrodynamic performance is directly related to the capabilities and efficiency of the waterjet propulsion system. In this study, a procedure was proposed to improve the hydrodynamic performance of an inlet duct. According to this proposed procedure, first the basic intake duct geometry of the waterjet propulsion system was prepared using visual programming to simplify the repetition of the design in Rhino design software, and then the numerical analysis of the designed geometry in Star CCM+ commercial software was performed. The simulation results were validated with the results of an...
The Design and Construction of a Marine Current Turbine and Modeling the Flow Around It
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Seif, Mohammad Saeed (Supervisor) ; Abbaspour, Madjid (Supervisor)
Nowadays, science and technology, once again, lead approach to renewable natural resources to access energy due to fossil resources restrictions. Growing need for energy, being concerned about exhaustion of fossil resources, environmental pollution caused by burning fossil materials, climate warming and the greenhouse effect and etc. are obvious evidences of aforesaid fact. On the other hand, oceans and seas are large reservoirs of energy which comes from sunlight, geothermal resources, Earth's rotation and gravity by means of mechanical and hydrothermal processes. During the years, many ideas were conducted to achieve and mine the mentioned enormous energy potential of the oceans and seas....