- Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
- Language: Farsi
- Document No: 41372 (08)
- University: Sharif University of Technology
- Department: Mechanical Engineering
- Advisor(s): Ghoreishi, Reza; Abbaspour, Madjid
- Abstract:
- This project deals with the global buckling in high pressure/high temperature (HP/HT) subsea pipelines. Some subsea pipelines are laid directly on the seabed. Large axial forces will generally cause an exposed pipeline to buckle sideways, or laterally, on the seabed. Pipelines may significantly expand during start-up and shutdown cycles, resulting in global buckle formation with high out-of-straightness (OOS).This global buckling behavior may be unacceptable if it is not properly managed. Global buckling mitigation can be achieved by providing controlled lateral movements of pipeline. Buckle mitigation devices are installed along the pipeline to provide buckle initiation sites, there by forcing the pipeline to move laterally at these locations to relieve the axial load in the pipeline. Snake-lay pipeline, sleepers and distributed buoyancy sections are practical methods which may be used to control pipeline behavior and ensure long-term integrity. Selecting the right buckle initiation method for a flowline can be a complex issue which is influenced by the flowline type, operating conditions, environmental conditions and pipe-soil interaction. A Finite Element Model to predict the lateral buckling behavior of pipelines is presented. Seabed is modeled as a flat surface and soil-pipe interaction is fully taken into account. The results of global buckling initiation/mitigation are presented for a typical pipeline of the South Pars Gas Field Development in Persian Gulf
- Keywords:
- Finite Element Method ; ABAQUS Software ; Offshore Platforms ; Subsea Pipeline ; Lateral Buckling
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