Conceptual Inspection of a Micro-Combined Cooling, Heating and Power Systems for Ships
Salmani, Amir | 2015
- Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
- Language: Farsi
- Document No: 47656 (08)
- University: Sharif University of Technology
- Department: Mechanical Engineering
- Advisor(s): Abbaspour, Madjid; Saeedi, Mohammad Hassan
- Abstract:
- Internal combustion (IC) engines are the major source of motive power in the ships. as the severity of the energy dearth and environmental pollution, different researches try to increase the total efficiency and reduce emissions. one of the improvable method is to get waste heat energy and reuse it to produce electricity, cooling and heating. studies of energy balance for marine diesel engine shows that there is potential to recovery waste heat from these motors. in this study a combined electricity, cooling and heating system based on regenerative Rankine cycle with an open feedwater heater and with two open feedwater heater and absorption refrigeration cycle is offered to recover the waste heat of engine coolant and exhaust gas to generate electricity, cooling and heating. the effect of evaporator temperature, condenser temperature, vaporization pressure, extraction pressure for feed water heater is studied to optimize and increase electricity produced with rankine cycle. water is used as the working fluid of rankine cycle and a binary solution of ammonia and water is selected as the working fluid of the absorption refrigeration cycle. amount of electricity output and cooling output in different pressure and temperature is calculated and optimum quantity is determined. also ejector refrigeration system is used to produce cooling, in this system solar collector is used to vaporate work fluids at generator, the effect of of evaporator temperature, condenser temperature and generator temperature is considered. also different working fluids is used and studied then ammonia is selected as the optimum working fluid
- Keywords:
- Solar Energy ; Micro Combined Heat and Power (MCHP)System ; Heating Power ; Rankin Cycle ; Absorption Refrigeration Stystem ; Waste Heat Recovery Power Generation (WHRPG)Technology ; Internal Combustion Engines ; Ejector Refrigeration System
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