Uranium Recovery from Liquid Waste of UCF by Solvent Extraction Method
Aminoro-a-yaei Yamini, Leyla | 2011
- Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
- Language: Farsi
- Document No: 41503 (46)
- University: Sharif University of Technology
- Department: Energy Engineering
- Advisor(s): Samadfam, Mohammad; Taghizadeh, Mohammad; Ghasemi, Mohamad Reza
- Abstract:
- The Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) has launched a program of low level waste management. This program also includes waste produced at Uranium Conversion Facility (UCF) of Esfahan. The liquid waste, which was generated during the operation of plant and concentrated in lagoon, was characterized for the development of the treatment process. The aim of this study was to recovery of uranium content of liquid waste in the lagoon. The recovery of uranium has the advantage of saving this valuable metal and the avoidance of unacceptable discarding solution to the environment. Uranium may be recovered from an aqueous solution by precipitation, solvent extraction and ion exchange. Precipitation or crystallization is a single stage process that is not a good option when either extreme purification is necessary or when the metals are so similar in their properties. In addition, the Ion exchange method is preferable only for small quantities or low concentration. The solvent extraction is the best option for our purpose because of simple operation without increased consumption of heat or chemicals. It is also preferable when large amounts of metals are to be separated. In this study, the ability of solvent extraction system with various extractants and solvents to extract uranium from actual waste sample was studied. The effect of acid concentration, extractant concentration, extrctant nature and temperature on extraction of U(VI) are evaluated. Effect of stripping agents and the separation of other metal ions with respect to U(VI) extraction has also been investigated. Among the extractants that were studied, the Aliquat 336S was selected as the best extractant from view of selectivity and the kerosene as the best organic solvent. Also, it is advisable that the process should be performed at higher temperature. It is also found that the Na2CO3 is the most effective media to recovery of uranium from organic solution
- Keywords:
- Radioactive Waste ; Oranium ; Solvent Extraction ; Batch Method
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