Coordinated Scheduling in Public Transportation to Decrease Transfer Waiting Time Through Slight Changes in Headways
Dianat, Leila | 2010
- Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
- Language: Farsi
- Document No: 41693 (09)
- University: Sharif University of Technology
- Department: Civil Engineering
- Advisor(s): Shafahi, Yousef
- Abstract:
- Decreasing travel time is one of the main goals of passengers in urban areas for which transportation operators use various policies. Among these policies, expanding public transportation facilities is one of the urban planner major purposes. Considering the fact that making these facilities needs great investment, optimize use of the current facilities is valuable. Waiting time in transit station has influence on increasing passengers’ travel time and inconsistency, so coordination between different transit lines is necessary. In this thesis, creating coordination among different transit lines in a transit network by the use of integer programming is studied in the form of two models. In the first model variables are departure time of the first vehicle of each line from the origin and headway of each line. In the second model dwell time at each station is added to the previous variables. Considering the large scales of the models common methods of solving these models are not practical, thus a Genetic Algorithm is applied as a research technique to solve the optimization models. Mashhad City transit network is used as a case study to evaluate models’ and solution method’s efficiency. Results after running the first and second model respectively, shows 10.6% and 11.3% reduction in transit network waiting time.
- Keywords:
- Coordinated Transit Scheduling ; Transit ; Integer Programming ; Genetic Algorithm
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