
Protection of Steel Rebar in Concrete with Zinc Based Coatings in Persian Gulf

Attar, Morteza | 2011

462 Viewed
  1. Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
  2. Language: English
  3. Document No: 42136 (57)
  4. University: Sharif University of Technology, International Campus, Kish Island
  5. Department: Science and Engineering
  6. Advisor(s): Dolati, Abolghasem
  7. Abstract:
  8. Reinforced concrete is one of the most important structural materials used in the construction industry worldwide. Nevertheless, certain physical and chemical factors in the service environment can contribute to its deterioration and failure. One of the most significant factors is the reinforcing steel bar (rebar) corrosion. In order to minimize the rebars corrosion, different kinds of coatings were investigated and evaluated by scientists. In this investigation comparative studies were performed on two different kinds of coated rebars (zinc-rich epoxy and polyamide epoxy coated rebars) and uncoated rebar. In order to evaluate these reinforced concretes, the adhesion, durability, thickness and corrosion behavior of coatings were compared by several instruments (with using Cu/CuSo4 electrodes, EIS and etc.). Different concretes were exposed to the corrosive environment (NaCl 3.5% solution) and their performance was considered. According to the studies and investigations, thick coatings (zinc-rich epoxy and epoxy polyamide) have acceptable adhesion and durability. In polyamide epoxy coatings, adhesion to the surface was greater than that of zinc-rich epoxy coatings, but it was more brittle than the zinc rich epoxy coatings. On the other hand, coated rebars with zinc-rich epoxy presented more negative corrosion potentials, which convey the sacrificial protection of rebars by zinc particles. Generally, zinc-rich epoxy coatings have a greater corrosion resistance than polyamide epoxy coatings because of zinc particles and other parameters
  9. Keywords:
  10. Reinforced Concrete ; Corrosion ; Rebar ; Zinc-Rich Epoxy ; Epoxy Polyamide

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