Security Constraint Unit Commitment With Wind Power Uncertainty By Stochastic Programming
Kia, Mohsen | 2011
- Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
- Language: Farsi
- Document No: 42353 (05)
- University: Sharif University of Technology
- Department: Electrical Engineering
- Advisor(s): Hosseini, Hamid
- Abstract:
- Economic aspects of power systems in their new structures, have been the subject of most of new publications in the area of electrical engineering after the era of restructuring. Nowadays, the power generation business is totally market driven in most of countries all around the world and the system operators are responsible for maintaining a high level of system security as well as the economic operation of the power systems. The development of wind power generation has rapidly progressed over the last decade. With the advancement in wind turbine technology, wind energy has become competitive with other fuel-based resources. The fluctuation of wind, however, makes it difficult to optimize the usage of wind power. The current practice ignores wind generation capacity in the unit commitment , which discounts its usable capacity and may cause operational issues when the installation of wind generation equipment increases. To ensure system reliability, the forecasting uncertainty must be considered in the incorporation of wind power capacity into generation planning. The nature of wind power is such that it is difficult to predict and it is also intermittent, thereby threatening system reliability. By more wind farm penetration in electrical power production, the reliability of the generation system will decrease. This thesis proposes a methodology to determine the required level of spinning and nonspinning reserves in a power system with a high penetration of wind power. That is uncertain demand and equipment failure (outages of generators and transmission lines) are considered. The computation of the required reserve levels and their costs is achieved through a stochastic programming market-clearing model spanning a daily time horizon. The effectiveness of the proposed formulation is examined using different case studies on the IEEE reliability test system
- Keywords:
- Market Satlement ; Security-Constrained Unit Commitment (SCUC) ; Wind Farms ; Economic Dispatch ; Mixed Integer Programming
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