Fabrication of Silicon Nanowires with various Silicon Substrates and Investigation of the structural Properties and their Behavior
Teymouri, Arastoo | 2010
- Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
- Language: Farsi
- Document No: 41389 (07)
- University: Sharif University of Technology
- Department: Materials and Sceince Engineering
- Advisor(s): Askari, Masoud
- Abstract:
- In this thesis, Silicon nanowires were synthesized using carbothermal method via Vapor-Liquid-Solid mechanism catalyzed by gold nanoparticles deposited on various substrates. Silicon nanowires just grew on (100) and (111)-oriented silicon substrates. For a particular set of process parameters, we observed a critical thickness of the nucleating gold film, that had depened on a kind of various substrates. We studied the dependence of the Au-Si alloy droplet size and size distribution on the starting gold film thickness and the annealing conditions. We used a modified heating sequence that deconvoluted the effect of various substrates consumption and gas-phase silicon supply on the Au-Si alloy formation and allowed growth of nanowires with diameters between 30-90 nm. The modified heating sequence was also used to demonstrate the growth of bridging silicon nanowires
- Keywords:
- Silicon Nanowire ; Various Substrates ; Gold Deposition ; Vapor-Liquide-Solid Process
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