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    Study on Nucleation and Growth of Titanium Dioxide Nano Particles via Gel-Sol Method

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Shahini, Sharif (Author) ; Askari, Masoud (Supervisor)
    Nanotechnology is an efficient method suitable for fabrication and production of minimal single dimensional nanometric structures. Such materials and systems can be logically designed that lead to new and optimized biological, chemical and physical properties and characteristics due to their size. Nucleation and growth –appearance of a new phase out of an old phase – is a ubiquitous phenomenon in nature. Fundamental understanding of nanoparticles nucleation and growth mechanism allows more control on form, size and composition and allows tuning of the above said properties easily with use of different reactive conditions as a result of this ability . Nanoparticles of titania are one of... 

    Optimized Fabrication of Spinel Nanao Powder Mn1.5Co1.5O4 Through Sol-Gel Method Applicable to Solid Oxid Fuel Cell

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Hashemi, Tahereh (Author) ; Askari, Masoud (Supervisor)
    Nowadays, too much attention has been paid to Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFC). One of the key components in SOFC is interconnect which plays an important role in SOFC performance. Interconnect can be either a metallic or ceramic layer that sits between each individual cell. The reduction in operating temperature of SOFC resulted in interests in using metallic interconnectors. However, the oxidation of these metallic materials is big challenge. Chromium (Cr), Nickel (Ni) and Iron (Fe) alloys have been employed to overcome this deficiency. However, these alloys bring another difficulty which is the presence of active elements such as Cr which reduces the performance of interconnects by forming... 

    Fabrication of Silicon Nanowires with various Silicon Substrates and Investigation of the structural Properties and their Behavior

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Teymouri, Arastoo (Author) ; Askari, Masoud (Supervisor)
    In this thesis, Silicon nanowires were synthesized using carbothermal method via Vapor-Liquid-Solid mechanism catalyzed by gold nanoparticles deposited on various substrates. Silicon nanowires just grew on (100) and (111)-oriented silicon substrates. For a particular set of process parameters, we observed a critical thickness of the nucleating gold film, that had depened on a kind of various substrates. We studied the dependence of the Au-Si alloy droplet size and size distribution on the starting gold film thickness and the annealing conditions. We used a modified heating sequence that deconvoluted the effect of various substrates consumption and gas-phase silicon supply on the Au-Si alloy... 

    Low Temperature Metallic Foams

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Foroughi, Leila (Author) ; Askari, Masoud (Supervisor)
    Metal foams are considered as a group of new materials and are applied widely in various areas due to their particular properties such as low density, high strength-to-weight ratio and appropriate mechanical, thermal, physical, electrical and magnetic properties. The aim of the present study is acquiring the technical knowledge of Zinc foam production by melting route and also optimizing the effective parameters on the foam stability. For this reason, 4 Zinc foams were produced at different times and temperatures. The amount of Calcium as the melt fluidity reducing agent and Titanium hydride and Zinc carbonate as the blowing agent were the same in all the specimens. The effect of heat... 

    Influence of Cobalt and Vanadium Dopants on the Performance of TiO2(B) Nanowires used as anode Materials in Lithium-ion Batteries

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Amirsalehi, Mahmoud (Author) ; Askari, Masoud (Supervisor)
    Li-ion batteries have been widely applied as power sources for portable electronic devices. Recently, Li-ion batteries are considered as the most promising energy storage technology for electric vehicle applications however, fundamental improvements are needed. TiO2 (B) is attractive candidate for anodes in rechargeable Li-ion batteries, due to their low cost, non-toxicity and favorable channel structure for fast lithium mobility. It is predicted that synthesis of doped nanostructure of this material, through reducing the diffusion pathway and formation of crystal defects, will increase the capacity of TiO2(B). In this investigation, Co and V doped TiO2(B) nanowires are synthesized by... 

    Copper Selective Leaching from Sarcheshmeh Reverberatory Furnace Dusts

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Mohagheghi, Mahdi (Author) ; Askari, Masoud (Supervisor)
    In this study, leaching of Sarcheshmeh Reverberatory Furnace Dust was investigated in the H2SO4-O3 media. Response surface methodology based on central composite face-centered design (RSM-CCF), was applied to optimize the operating parameters. The optimum conditions to obtain the main goal of maximum copper and minimum iron dissolution from dust were identified to be temperature of 30˚C, leaching time of 3hr, initial pH of 0.5, pulp density of 20% and ozone flow rate of 1g/h. The copper and iron concentrations of leaching solution were found to be 27.11 and 0.89983 g/L under the optimum conditions, respectively. The results showed that selective copper extraction from the dust could be... 

    Solid State Reduction of Iran Titanomagnetites to Extract TiO2 & Fe

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Poyanfar, Soroush (Author) ; Askari, Masoud (Supervisor)
    Titanomagnetites are resources of iron and titanium. high level of titanium in titanomagnetites makes using them in iron making processes very difficult. In this work an attempt was made to produce an iron bearing and a titanium bearing product using solid state reduction of Fanouj mine titanomagnetite concentrate. For this purpose, the concentrate was reduced using coal and then was subjected to magnetic separation. In this work, effect of temperature, time, added coal amount, and additive amount on reduction was studied. The result showed that the optimum conditions are 1325 celsius degree, 2.5 hours, 25 percent added coal and 2 percent additive. In optimum conditions a magnetic product... 

    Study the Effect of Carbon Content Exist in Midrex Cold Briquetted Sponge Iron on Melting Performance and Comparison with DRI and HBI

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Ranjbar, Hassan (Author) ; Askari, Masoud (Supervisor)
    Midrex sponge iron is an active product and there are several problems with store and export it.Cold briquetting sponge iron method is a new method to protect sponge iron from oxidation and provides the possibility of its storage and transportation. Iran as one of the biggest countries that produce sponge iron, has a lot of sponge iron pilots that equipped with cold briquetted machines,but their production capacity is limited and is about 5 percent of their production capacity. With regard to no need for country to these amount of sponge iron, most of these pilots have to store and transport large volumes of sponge iron and the risk of oxidation and fire threatens these units.By using cold... 

    Leaching of Titanium-bearing Concentrate of Solid-state Reduction of Titanomagnetite Ores

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Babanejad, Safoura (Author) ; Askari, Masoud (Supervisor)
    Some of the low-grade titanium resources which are located in the country are titanomagnetite placer deposits. In current study, beneficiation of titanium-bearing concentrate of a placer deposit containing 6.13wt.% TiO2 was investigated by acidic leaching in order to remove impurities. To beneficiate the concentrate, based on the optimum conditions obtained in previous studies, solid-state reduction, magnetic separation, and calcination of non-magnetic product were performed. Afterwards, by studying temperature, time, acid concentration and L:S ratio, the final product was leached under optimal conditions were as follows: H2SO4 concentration of 15wt.%, L:S ratio of 20:1 (mL:g), reaction... 

    Lithium Extraction with TiO2 Nanotube Synthesized by Anodizing Method

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Taghvaei, Nastaran (Author) ; Askari, Masoud (Supervisor)
    Due to the technology advancement and the large-scale application of lithium-ion batteries in recent years, the market demand for lithium is growing rapidly and the availability of land lithium resources is decreasing significantly. As such, the focus of lithium extraction technologies has shifted to water lithium resources involving salt-lake brines and sea water. The ion exchange process is a promising method for lithium extraction from brine and seawater having low concentrations of this element. Among various aqueous recovery technologies, the lithium ion-sieve (LIS) technology is considered the most promising one. This is because LISs are excellent adsorbents with high lithium uptake... 

    TiO2 Production by Acid Leaching of Upgraded Titanium Slag

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Taherkhani, Omid (Author) ; Askari, Masoud (Supervisor)
    In Iran, titanium dioxide is still not produced and imports of titanium dioxide are required by various industries, including dyeing, electrodeposition, plastics and Therefore, according to the Ministry of Industries and Mines objectives, to obtain the technology of extraction Ti and TiO2, a research was carried out on titanomagnetite concentrate, extracted from the minerals of the plancher titanumitent and low-grade kahnoj. In this research, titanium dioxide is produced by sulfate method. Solid state recovery and magnetic separation were used to isolate titanium and iron. The dissolution process was then performed to achieve maximum dissolution. At this stage, the effects of temperature,... 

    Repeatability of Lithium Adsorption and Desorption on TiO2 Nanotubes from Brines

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Safarzadeh, Amin (Author) ; Askari, Masoud (Supervisor)
    Today, recycling lithium as a valuable metal from brine plays an important role in various applications such as battery manufacturing, computers, aerospace and automobiles. Among the aqueous methods available for the extraction of the lithium element in brines, ion exchange by TiO2 nanosorbents is one of the most efficient methods. In this study, first the titanium dioxide nanotubes were well synthesized by anodizing method and the nanograss created after the anodizing process were completely eliminated. Then, the effect of three cathodes of aluminum, graphite and stainless steel in order to select the best cathode and achieve a regular morphology as well as their replacement with platinum... 

    Recovery of Vanadium from Leaching Solution of Roasted Isfahan Steelmaking Slag Using Solvent Extraction

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Mousavi, Reza (Author) ; Askari, Masoud (Supervisor)
    Solvent extraction of vanadium (V) from sulfated leaching solution of the converter slag of the Isfahan steel company followed by stripping of this element from the organic solvent were examined in this study. In the experimental section, 2-ethyl-1-hexanol extractor was utilized for selective separation of V(V) from the acidic medium containing Si, Na, Fe, Al, Ca, and P ions. Ammonium chloride solution was also used for stripping V from the organic phase. Under optimal condition (pH=1.9, T=65℃, extractor concentration of 68% and organic phase volume fraction of 0.66), 91% was extracted in solvent extraction stage. Under optimal stripping conditions (pH=7.5, T=25℃, organic phase volume... 

    Electrodialysis of Llithium from Spent Lithium-Ion Battries

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Padash, Meimanat (Author) ; Askari, Masoud (Supervisor)
    In this study, Lithium recovery process from lithium-ion battery was investigated by electrodialysis method. First, the cathode of the battery was leached in NMP to separate cathode from aluminum foil. Then, the cathode was leached in sulfuric acid with concentration 3.25 M and 10 volume percent hydrogen peroxide that pulp density was 55 g/L at 60°C for 100 minutes. in the next step, an electrodialysis cell was designed and created to recover lithium. And the influence of time, voltage, flow rate of feed solution, concentration of electrode solution and concentration of feed solution on process was investigated. Purpose of this project were investigated lithium ion recovery rate, lithium... 

    Application of Sol-Gel Technique to Synthesis of (Cu,Co)3O4 Spinel on Ferritic Stainless Steel used for Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Interconnects

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Paknahad, Pouyan (Author) ; Askari, Masoud (Supervisor)
    Due to recent progresses in lowering the temperature of SOFC, using metallic interconnects instead of ceramic interconnects was possible. Among the alloys used for interconnects, ferritic stainless steels (FSS) due to thermal expansion coefficient compatible with other cell components and cheap fabrication, have become the most widely used material for interconnects. Because of improvement of oxidation resistance of these FSSs, many studies have been made on coating of oxides on FSSs and results show that the spinel oxides have the best performance. In this study, the CuCo2O4 performance as coating in SOFC's interconnects was investigated. Coating process used was sol-gel dip coating and raw... 

    Lithium Recovery from Brine Sources of Iran by Precipitation Method

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Jandaghi, Mohammad Reaz (Author) ; Askari, Masoud (Supervisor)
    Lithium is one of the most commonly used metals in industry with a wide variety of applications including batteries, lubricating grease and pharmaceutical products. Demand for lithium is expected to rise with the increasing adoption of electric vehicles. Market reports have predicted that world lithium demand will increase by 2.5 times from 2010 to 2020. Therefore, there is a pressing need to develop new sources of lithium to support this anticipated increase in demand. Lithium can be extracted from salt brine and lithium containing minerals as lithium compounds.
    Salt brines are the most abundant lithium sources available in the world, comprising about 60% of all known lithium deposits.... 

    “Cold Briquetted Iron and Carbon (CBIC)”, Investigation of Oxidation Behavior in Environmental Conditions and Steelmaking Performance

    , Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology Paknahad, Pouyan (Author) ; Askari, Masoud (Supervisor)
    Cold Briquetted Iron and Carbon (CBIC) is a new product in Direct Reduced Iron (DRI) family that aims to produce a reliable product from Cold Direct Reduced Iron (CDRI) with the ability of low risk, high efficient storage and handling. In this study, a comprehensive investigation was carried out on the effects of environmental condition on physical and chemical properties of CBIC, CDRI and Hot Briquetted Iron (HBI) in the first step and then, the steelmaking performance of this new product was compared to the other DRI products in the second step. The changes of microstructure, specific surface area, metallization degree and mechanical strength of different products with time in dry and... 

    Fabrication of Mn/Co and Co Coatings on AISI 430 for SOFC Interconnect Via Sol-Gel and Dip Coating

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Dayaghi, Amir Masoud (Author) ; Askari, Masoud (Supervisor)
    With regard to recent progress in decreasing of operating temperature of Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC), metallic interconnect use widely than ceramic interconnect. Metallic interconnect have interested due to their low cost, easy fabrication and high electronic and thermal conductivity.oxidation resistance of metals is big challenge, because of low conductivity of formed oxide layers that led to increasing of electrical conductivity. Ferritic stainless steel is among the most thriving candidate alloy because of BCC structure that its coefficient of temperature expansion is close to that of other SOFC. Nonetheless, the increase of electrical resistance over the time and the evaporation of... 

    Recycling of Cobalt with the form of Cobalt Nano Oxide from Spent Li-ion Batteries

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Ashrafi Nasrabadi, Ali (Author) ; Askari, Masoud (Supervisor)
    One of the most important methods for recycling of spent Li-ion batteries is acid leaching that various parameters affect it. In this work, influences of effective parameters on the percent of cobalt and lithium recovery with application of design of experiments (response surface methodology-central composite) were investigated and then cobalt nano oxide as the by-product synthesized by pulsing lectrolysis. In the first Phase, effects of parameters such as sulfuric acid oncentration: 2-6 molar, hydrogen peroxide volume percent: 5-10%, S/L ratio: 20-50 g/L and temperature: 50-80°C on cobalt and lithium recovery were investigated and finally an adequate model presented. For all experiments,... 

    Direct Reduction of Magnetite with Thermal Coal in Concentric Cylindrical Arrangement

    , Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology Toloue Farrokh, Najibeh (Author) ; Askari, Masoud (Supervisor)
    Direct Reduction of magnetite concentrate with thermal coal in concentric cylindrical arrangement has been investigated. At first, thermal behavior and physical and chemical properties of 3 type of coals from different coal mines of Iran in a thermal treatment similar to pre heating section of tunnel kiln direct reduction of Iron were investigated.Study of changes in reactivity and calorific values of coal in addition to providing a fundamental understanding of coal performance in the thermal process of reduction set a base for investigation of recycling of unburnt coal in the reduction process. Thermogravimetric data for coal devolatilization in three heating rates yielded an activation...