Recycling of Cobalt with the form of Cobalt Nano Oxide from Spent Li-ion Batteries
Ashrafi Nasrabadi, Ali | 2013
- Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
- Language: Farsi
- Document No: 44775 (07)
- University: Sharif University of Technology
- Department: Materials Science and Engineering
- Advisor(s): Askari, Masoud
- Abstract:
- One of the most important methods for recycling of spent Li-ion batteries is acid leaching that various parameters affect it. In this work, influences of effective parameters on the percent of cobalt and lithium recovery with application of design of experiments (response surface methodology-central composite) were investigated and then cobalt nano oxide as the by-product synthesized by pulsing lectrolysis. In the first Phase, effects of parameters such as sulfuric acid oncentration: 2-6 molar, hydrogen peroxide volume percent: 5-10%, S/L ratio: 20-50 g/L and temperature: 50-80°C on cobalt and lithium recovery were investigated and finally an adequate model presented. For all experiments, lead time was 2 hours. Optimized conditions were as follow: sulfuric acid concentration: 3.79 M, hydrogen peroxide volume percent: 10.25%, S/L ratio: 46.69 g/L and temperature: 79.8°C. Recovery percent of cobalt and lithium for optimized experiment were 98.7% and 99.9% respectively that have good conformity with prediction of model (99.3% and 101.5%). In the second phase, cobalt hydroxide was deposited on the stainless steel by pulsing electrolysis. Conditions of pulsing electrodeposition were as follow: duty cycle of 40%, frequency of 30 Hz and peak current density of 0.1 A/cm2. The pH of electrolyte solution was kept constant at 5.4 and temperature was selected at 50°c and deposition time was 10 minutes. The composition and morphology of deposited nano cobalt hydroxide were investigated by FE-SEM and EDS. The morphology of deposited nano cobalt hydroxide was flower like and thickness of flower edges had mean value of 26 nm. Finally, synthesized nano cobalt hydroxide transformed to nano cobalt oxide by further calcination
- Keywords:
- Recycling ; Pickling ; Spent Lithium-Ion Batteries ; Pulsing Electrolysis ; Nanocobalt Oxide
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