Optimized Fabrication of Spinel Nanao Powder Mn1.5Co1.5O4 Through Sol-Gel Method Applicable to Solid Oxid Fuel Cell
Hashemi, Tahereh | 2011
- Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
- Language: Farsi
- Document No: 42356 (07)
- University: Sharif University of Technology
- Department: Materials science and Engineering
- Advisor(s): Askari, Masoud
- Abstract:
- Nowadays, too much attention has been paid to Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFC). One of the key components in SOFC is interconnect which plays an important role in SOFC performance. Interconnect can be either a metallic or ceramic layer that sits between each individual cell. The reduction in operating temperature of SOFC resulted in interests in using metallic interconnectors. However, the oxidation of these metallic materials is big challenge. Chromium (Cr), Nickel (Ni) and Iron (Fe) alloys have been employed to overcome this deficiency. However, these alloys bring another difficulty which is the presence of active elements such as Cr which reduces the performance of interconnects by forming chromia (Cr2o3) layer. One possible way to tackle this problem is to use impermeable, durable and resistant coatings and the studies shows that (MnCo)3O4 spinels and perovskites coating are suitable materials. The aim of this work is to determine and optimize the important and effective parameters in producing Mn1.5Co1.5O4 spinel coating using Sol-gel method. Te reason for choosing Mn1.5Co1.5O4 spinels are their thermal stability and high thermal conductivity. As the Sol-gel is an effective method in producing nano-powders at low temperatures, this method has been employed in this study. Magnesium and cobalt nitrates (MnN2O6 and CoN2O6.H2o), citric acid (C6H8O7.H2O) and ethanol (C2H5OH) have been used as raw materials in this study. Different analysis techniques such as DTA/TGA, XRD and TEM have been used to study the effect of temperature, calcinations time and citric acid to metallic ions molar ratio (Rc) in crystalline structure and particle size of Mn1.5Co1.5O4 . The results showed that citric acid which is used as chelating agent plays an important role in synthesis of Mn1.5Co1.5O4 nano-powders. The results also showed that 1050 oC and calcinations time of 6 hour are optimum condition for producing this nano-powder
- Keywords:
- Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC) ; Gels ; Nanopowder ; Sol-Gel Method ; Interconnect
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