Study the Effect of Carbon Content Exist in Midrex Cold Briquetted Sponge Iron on Melting Performance and Comparison with DRI and HBI
Ranjbar, Hassan | 2016
- Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
- Language: Farsi
- Document No: 49777 (07)
- University: Sharif University of Technology
- Department: Materials Science and Engineering
- Advisor(s): Askari, Masoud
- Abstract:
- Midrex sponge iron is an active product and there are several problems with store and export it.Cold briquetting sponge iron method is a new method to protect sponge iron from oxidation and provides the possibility of its storage and transportation. Iran as one of the biggest countries that produce sponge iron, has a lot of sponge iron pilots that equipped with cold briquetted machines,but their production capacity is limited and is about 5 percent of their production capacity. With regard to no need for country to these amount of sponge iron, most of these pilots have to store and transport large volumes of sponge iron and the risk of oxidation and fire threatens these units.By using cold briquetting sponge iron method, Iron can entry to the world markets.In this study we first investigated the melting properties of cold briquetted sponge iron and it sperformance with comparison of HBI and DRI in melting furnace. And then the effect of its carbon content on the amount of iron dissolved in the slag checked. Also the effect of the method of carbon addition on the iron losing in the slag and melt carbon content was found.The results show that the melting properties of cold briquetted that molasses used in them, is similar to sponge iron. But for cold briquetted that silicate sodium used in them, melting performance is different. The experiments that carried on the FeO reduction show the reduction decrease from 75% to 47% with increase briquette carbon content from 2 to 10
- Keywords:
- Molasses ; Direct Reduction Process ; Sponge Iron ; Sodium Silicates ; Midrex Shaft Farnace ; Cold Briquetted Sponge Iron (CBSI) ; Briquetting
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