
Solid State Reduction of Iran Titanomagnetites to Extract TiO2 & Fe

Poyanfar, Soroush | 2016

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  1. Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
  2. Language: Farsi
  3. Document No: 49095 (07)
  4. University: Sharif University of Technology
  5. Department: Materials Science and Engineering
  6. Advisor(s): Askari, Masoud
  7. Abstract:
  8. Titanomagnetites are resources of iron and titanium. high level of titanium in titanomagnetites makes using them in iron making processes very difficult. In this work an attempt was made to produce an iron bearing and a titanium bearing product using solid state reduction of Fanouj mine titanomagnetite concentrate. For this purpose, the concentrate was reduced using coal and then was subjected to magnetic separation. In this work, effect of temperature, time, added coal amount, and additive amount on reduction was studied. The result showed that the optimum conditions are 1325 celsius degree, 2.5 hours, 25 percent added coal and 2 percent additive. In optimum conditions a magnetic product containing 90.67% Iron and a non-magnetic product containg 28.56% titanium oxide was produced. the recovery of iron in magnetic product was 95.08% and the recovery of titanium in non-magnetic product was 93.82%. The major phase in magnetic product is Iron and the major phases in non-magnetic product are an amprphus phase, (MgFe)(Ti_3 Fe)O_10, FeTi_5 O_10 and Ti_3 O_5. titanomagnetic concentrate and the reduction product were srudied by scaning electron microscope
  9. Keywords:
  10. Reduction (Chemistry) ; Coal ; Solid State Reduction ; Iron Extraction ; Titanium Extraction ; Magnetic Separation

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