Copper Selective Leaching from Sarcheshmeh Reverberatory Furnace Dusts
Mohagheghi, Mahdi | 2015
- Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
- Language: Farsi
- Document No: 47790 (07)
- University: Sharif University of Technology
- Department: Materials Science and Engineering
- Advisor(s): Askari, Masoud
- Abstract:
- In this study, leaching of Sarcheshmeh Reverberatory Furnace Dust was investigated in the H2SO4-O3 media. Response surface methodology based on central composite face-centered design (RSM-CCF), was applied to optimize the operating parameters. The optimum conditions to obtain the main goal of maximum copper and minimum iron dissolution from dust were identified to be temperature of 30˚C, leaching time of 3hr, initial pH of 0.5, pulp density of 20% and ozone flow rate of 1g/h. The copper and iron concentrations of leaching solution were found to be 27.11 and 0.89983 g/L under the optimum conditions, respectively. The results showed that selective copper extraction from the dust could be achieved using sulfuric acid and ozone. The experimental data were best fitted by mixed control kinetic model i.e. ash diffusion and chemical control
- Keywords:
- Ozone ; Kinetics Study ; Dust ; Optimization ; Copper ; Response Surface Method ; Leaching
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