Leaching of Titanium-bearing Concentrate of Solid-state Reduction of Titanomagnetite Ores
Babanejad, Safoura | 2017
- Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
- Language: Farsi
- Document No: 50636 (07)
- University: Sharif University of Technology
- Department: Materials Science and Engineering
- Advisor(s): Askari, Masoud
- Abstract:
- Some of the low-grade titanium resources which are located in the country are titanomagnetite placer deposits. In current study, beneficiation of titanium-bearing concentrate of a placer deposit containing 6.13wt.% TiO2 was investigated by acidic leaching in order to remove impurities. To beneficiate the concentrate, based on the optimum conditions obtained in previous studies, solid-state reduction, magnetic separation, and calcination of non-magnetic product were performed. Afterwards, by studying temperature, time, acid concentration and L:S ratio, the final product was leached under optimal conditions were as follows: H2SO4 concentration of 15wt.%, L:S ratio of 20:1 (mL:g), reaction temperature of 90°C and reaction time of 2h. Alteration of amorphous silica to crystalline structure that was made through solid-state reduction and calcination processes results in prevention of gel formation during leaching procedure. Furthermore, the stable and insoluble structure, pseudobrookite (Fe2O3.TiO2), was formed within solid-state reduction. Part of this structure was decomposed by the following calcination and consequently the non-magnetic form of iron oxide was dissolved. In this research, gaunge digestion decreased with increasing sulfuric acid concentration. Finally, a leaching residue containing 29.04wt.% TiO2 with the main phases of rutile, pseudobrookite and cristobalite was extracted
- Keywords:
- Acidic Leaching ; Solid State Reduction ; Magnetic Separation ; Calcination ; Impurity ; Low-Grade Titanomagnetics ; Titanium Beneficiation
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