Solving Toll Pricing Problem in Real Transportation Networks
Shirazi, Mohammad Ali | 2012
- Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
- Language: Farsi
- Document No: 42782 (09)
- University: Sharif University of Technology
- Department: Civil Engineering
- Advisor(s): Zokaee Aashtiani, Hedayat
- Abstract:
- Toll Pricing as a means to relieve traffic congestion has received significant attention by transportation planners recently. Inappropriate use of transportation networks is one of the major reasons that cause congestion in networks. Toll Pricing is a method of traffic management which guides the traffic flow to proper time and path in order to reduce the total delay in networks. This thesis investigates a method for solving Minimum Toll Revenue problem in real and large scale transportation networks. The objective of this problem is to find tolls that simultaneously cause users to use the transportation network effectively and minimize the total toll revenues that must be collected. Although this model is linear, excessive variables and constraints make it very difficult to solve for large scale networks. In this study, one exact algorithm and one approximate algorithm are proposed for solving the model. Implementation of exact algorithm for different networks indicates that this method can achieve the optimal solution in a proper time. Likewise, for much larger networks which achieving the exact solution is difficult and time-consuming, approximate algorithm can reach a good solution for this model
- Keywords:
- Traffic Management ; Transportation Network ; Pricing ; Road Tolls ; Trajectory Generation ; Dynamic Penalty Function
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