Studying the Relationship Between Consumer Personality and Brand Personality in Iran Food Industry
Janani, Saeed | 2012
- Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
- Language: Farsi
- Document No: 42815 (44)
- University: Sharif University of Technology
- Department: Management and Economics
- Advisor(s): Najmi, Manoochehr
- Abstract:
- Based on symbolic theories BRANDS have personalities and according to this, brands like human beings have personality and stable behaviors in a period of time. Customers can imagine brands like a live creature according to different causes such as marketing communications, social responsibility of brand, CEO behaviors, clients, customers, etc. “BRAND PERSONALITY” is an interesting concept in world of marketing and it is one of the most important part of the brand identity. Brand personality makes people think at “brands” as friends. We consider “personality” as a perception of knowing, feelings and motivations that make people reactions toward their environment. Consuming is a way of building identity, and this theory that people consume to preserve and support themselves is accepted. Researchers have shown that people use those things that are similar to their personalities. according to this theory the more a brand is similar to a customer`s personality the more it is preferred by him/her. I have tried in this research to consider the relations between choosing a brand and personal identity, based on “brand identity” and “consumer`s identity” concepts in food industry. Decreased model of “BIG FIVE” is used in this research and it is proved by statistical analysis that this model is useful for consumers and brands at the same time. The relationship between the consumer`s personality and brands has been considered by five basic dimensions (extroversion, agreeableness, Conscientiousness, Neuroticism, Openness to new experiences) and it has been proved that relationship between consumer`s personality as a representative of his identity and brand personality as a representative of its identity has affection on choosing the brand type.
- Keywords:
- Entity ; Brand ; Personality ; Consumer Personality ; Brand Personality
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