
Positioning, Tracking and Shape Control in Micro-Beams Via Electrostatic Actuators and Incomplete State Feedback

Karami, Farzad | 2011

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  1. Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
  2. Language: Farsi
  3. Document No: 42819 (08)
  4. University: Sharif University of Technology
  5. Department: Mechanical Engineering
  6. Advisor(s): Salarieh, Hassan
  7. Abstract:
  8. Systems that are electrostatically actuated have found a vast role in MEMS application. This technology is used in optical systems, sensors, micro switches, and deformable mirrors. Raising the use of these systems in fields that needs better performance highlighted the need to accurate study of dynamics and control of electrostatic actuated systems in micro scale. This work is dedicated to design of an estimation and control system for a micro-beam that is actuated by electrostatic. After a comprehensive survey on pervious works that are done on dynamic, applications, fabrication and control of these systems dynamic of the system is fully derived. The environmental factors like fringing field effect and squeezing film effect are included in dynamic model. The mathematical model of the system is represented by a nonlinear partial differential equation. The partial differential equation has been transformed in ordinary differential equation system by Galerkin projection method. For estimating the states of the system that are used in controller, an estimation system is designed. Observabillity of the ODE equations are checked and an observer is designed by EKF algorithm. Then tracking control of the system is considered. A nonlinear switching control is designed based on an energy function. The controller would keep the rate of the function below zero. For improving the performance of the control system a non switching control based on feedback linearization method has been designed. Second controller has good performance. The performance of the designed controller is compared with a linear controller and it is showed that it has better performance. After that a shape control algorithm is designed for the system. This algorithm can make some shapes in the beam by electrostatic actuation
  9. Keywords:
  10. Microbeam ; Electrostatic Actuation ; Position Control ; Shape Control ; Pull-in Phenomenon ; State Variables Estimation

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