
Oscillator with Active Inductor

Kaghazloo, Karim | 2012

813 Viewed
  1. Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
  2. Language: Farsi
  3. Document No: 43177 (05)
  4. University: Sharif University of Technology
  5. Department: Electrical Engineering
  6. Advisor(s): Sharif Bakhtiar, Mehrdad
  7. Abstract:
  8. This thesis revises the conventional design of oscillators and presents new methods for shaping and improving the phase noise curve of the oscillators. These methods are based on the position of the zeros and poles of transfer functions in the S-plane and choosing their orders also. This thesis shows that the position of the zeroes and poles of the transfer functions can affect the phase noise performance of the oscillators. The basic idea is maximizing the slope of the phase of the transfer functions. It is proved that the maximizing the slope of the phase can expectedly reduce the phase noise of the oscillators. Increasing the order of the transfer functions with the proper selection of the zeros and poles is a solution for increasing the slope of the phase noise. Also some circuits that can realize the optimum selection of the zeros and poles are invented and the phase noise performance of them is investigated.
    Zeros and poles in circuits can be produced using elements such as capacitors and inductors. Inductors are in two forms of active and passive. This thesis is focused on use of active inductor to gain its advantages of low area consumption and high tunability. Poor noise performance is the major problem of the active inductors that is needed to be solved for designing the optimum low phase noise oscillator. So the main concentration of some selections of this thesis is on improving the noise performance of active inductors. Finally new ideas are presented to reduce the equivalent noise of the resonant circuits. These ideas also help to reduce the current driven from active parts of the resonant circuits
  9. Keywords:
  10. Phase Noise ; Oscillators ; Active Inductor ; Passive Inductor ; Oscillation Loop ; Right-Hand Zero

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