Investigation of Equilibrium and Kinetics of Uranium Solvent Extaction by Cyanex 301 Using a Single Drop Column
Bardestani, Raoof | 2012
- Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
- Language: Farsi
- Document No: 43479 (46)
- University: Sharif University of Technology
- Department: Energy Engineering
- Advisor(s): Samadfam, Mohammad; Torab-Mostaedi, Meisam
- Abstract:
- Uranium separation from other metals in ore and nuclear waste is one of the most important stagesin nuclear fuel cycling. Solvent extraction is the common method for uranium extraction that reagent plays important rule in this technique. In this investigation, uranium solvent extraction is carried out by Cyanex 301 as reagent from nitric acid. At beginning, equilibrium batch extraction was carried and the effect of parameters such as pH, reagent concentration, temperature, shaking time of two phases, volumetric ratio of two phases, diluent and nitric acid concentration on extraction was investigated and optimum value of parameters was calculated. Uranium concentration effect was also investigated and McCabe- Thiele diagram was plotted. The results show that pH= 2,Cyanex 301 concentration equals to 0.03 M and volumetric ratio of two phase equals to 1 are the optimum condition for Uranium extraction by Cyanex 301. The experiments show extraction reaches to equilibrium after 5 min and temperature has no effect on process. The best diluent in this case study is kerosene. Nitric acid concentration has negative effect on process and distribution ratio decreases by increasing in nitric acid concentration. From McCabe-Thiele diagram, it was determined that for complete extraction of uranium in concentration of 3000 ppm at 0.25 of volumetric ratio of organic to aqueous phase in continuous counter current process, is required to 3 equilibrium stages.Due to the rule of the kinetic of extraction on economic parameters such as resident time in mixer, size of plant and volume of reagent, kinetic of extraction was investigated by single drop column technique. For this case, columns by 20, 30, 40 and 50 cm height were used. The results show that kinetic of uranium solvent extraction by Cyanex 301isRe = 3.54×10-12 [U] [HA] [HNO3]-1 in (mol/m2.sec) where [U], [HA] and [HNO3] are uranium, Cyanex 301 and nitric acid concentration, respectively. By study the effect of needle diameter size on extraction, it was found that kinetics of extraction is mainly controlled by diffusion. The main objectives of this research are introducing new reagent for uranium extraction by determination of optimum amount of operational parameters and kinetics of extraction. The results showed that Cyanex 301 is a good sulfur based reagent for uranium extraction
- Keywords:
- Single Drop Technique ; Solvent Extraction ; Oranium ; Cyanex 301
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