Peak Temperature Recduction in 3D NoCs using Task Migration
Mohebbi Moghaddam, Monireh | 2012
- Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
- Language: Farsi
- Document No: 43603 (19)
- University: Sharif University of Technology
- Department: Computer Engineering
- Advisor(s): Hessabi, Shaahin
- Abstract:
- Combination of 3D stacking and network-on-chip (NoC), known as 3D NoC, has some advantages such as reduced propagation delay, chip area and interconnect, and power consumption, and bandwidth increase. Despite these advantages, the increased power density per chip area due to area decrease causes thermal problems in 3D NoCs to be more critical than 2D NoCs. Therefore, design of temperature management algorithms is essential for these systems. One of the dynamic thermal management techniques is task migration that balances generated thermal among cores.In this thesis, we propose a task migration scheme using feedback control for 3D NoCs. The main purpose of this scheme is to decrease the peak temperature and number of hot spots on the chip so that performance degradation due to migration overhead becomes minimized. Simulation results indicate up to 24 and 20 percentage peak temperature reduction on average, for the benchmarks that have the largest number of tasks and highest communication rates, respectively. The proposed scheme has low migration overhead.
- Keywords:
- Three Dimentional Network on Chip (NOC) ; Task Migration ; Peak Temperature Reduction ; Control Theory
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