Performance Analysis of Flooding-based Broadcasting in Wireless Networks
Shah-Mansouri, Hamed | 2012
- Type of Document: Ph.D. Dissertation
- Language: Farsi
- Document No: 43570 (05)
- University: Sharif University of Technology
- Department: Electrical Engineering
- Advisor(s): Hossein Khalaj, Babak
- Abstract:
- Broadcasting in wireless ad hoc networks serves many important tasks such as data dissemination and route establishment in which one node sends its data to all other network nodes. The most popular form of broadcasting adopted by many ad-hoc protocols is flooding. In flooding, each node receiving a packet from a neighboring node rebroadcasts it exactly once. Wide adoption of flooding for broadcasting traffic is mainly due to its simplicity. The importance of performance analysis of flooding lies on its aforementioned popularity. The parameters of interest in analysis of flooding are network coverage, energy consumption and broadcast throughput while network coverage is the average percentage of nodes which successfully receive the flooded packet when the flooding phase is completed. In this thesis, first, we focus on analyzing the performance of flooding in a CSMA-based multi-hop random network. We derive two different upper bounds on the coverage of flooding using two different methods based on stochastic geometry tools. The first method predicts the network coverage for any serving policy and serving and queuing delay distributions and is useful for the cases that these delay distributions are unknown. Interestingly, the obtained bound is independent of the delay that flooded packet experiences at intermediate nodes. The second approach is useful for the cases that serving policy and delay distribution of packets in intermediate nodes are known. It should be mentioned that using these approaches, in addition to network coverage, consumed energy and the timing behavior of the broadcast scheme can also be derived. Simulation results validate our analytical model and demonstrate its tightness for real scenarios. As the second phase, we study the asymptotic behavior of flooding in large scale wireless networks. Specifically, we derive an upper bound on the coverage of flooding when the number of nodes n in the network goes to infinity. In the case of constant transmission radius r, the percentage of covered nodes scales as Ο(nr^2 e^(-K_s nr^2 ) ). In this case, as an important result, we observe that the percentage of covered nodes is upper bounded by a decreasing function, vanishing as the network size grows. However, in the case of vanishing r, a coverage percentage of at most Ο(logn⁄n^(K_S^' ) ) is expected for a constant value of K_S^'≪1. In such case, the rate at which the network coverage is decreased can be controlled and be considerably reduced. Finally, we focus on deriving the maximum achievable throughput of flooding in large scale wireless networks. We define the maximum achievable throughput as the maximum data transfer rate at which each node can continuously broadcast its data such that all nodes receive the broadcasted packets correctly. We show that the maximum achievable throughput by flooding is Θ(1)which is interestingly equal to the broadcast capacity of wireless networks. The obtained results demonstrate that flooding is an appropriate choice of data dissemination in large networks
- Keywords:
- Coverage ; Analytical Modeling ; Point Process ; Stochastic Geometry ; Wireless Networks ; Throughput ; Flooding
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