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    Throughput Analysis of Routing Algorithms in 802.11s-Based Wireless Mesh Networks

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Farhang, Rouhollah (Author) ; Ashtiani, Farid (Supervisor)
    Wireless Mesh Networks (WMNs) can be considered as the result of cooperation among two ad hoc networks, one composed of Mesh Points (MPs) and another one composed of Mesh Clients (MCs) as well as corresponding Access (Mesh) Points. Each one has its own functions and properties. This cooperation results in a flexible network that to fully demonstrate its potentials, requires special routing algorithms and access schemes.Here, we study and analyze three routing algorithms in IEEE 802.11s-based WMNs from throughput point of view. To this end, each node in the network is modeled by a queue during Contention-Free Periods (CFPs). During Contention-Based Period, however, to simplify modeling, we... 

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Sabour Rouh Monfared, Mohammad Amin (Author) ; Haj Sadeghi, Khosro (Supervisor) ; Hesabi, Shahin (Supervisor)
    The fast development of semiconductor industry has moved the design methodology to SoC (System on Chip) design. Due to the increasing number of processing elements, In SoC, buses become the bottleneck of the system and lead to non-efficient designs. NoC (Network onChip) is an efficient solution that eliminates bus bottleneck and it had been introduced as a suitable substructure for interconnecting processing elements. The NoCs were originally built based on Interconnection Networks.They have been proposed as an efficient, scalable, modular and reliable solution to provide on chip communication in any large SoC design. The trend of market to mobile digital systems and battery-powered devices,... 

    Throughput Analysis in Multi Hop Cellular Networks

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Vaezi, Kaveh (Author) ; Ashtiani, Farid (Supervisor)
    OFDMA multi-hop cellular network (MCN) is the topic of a wide range of research today. In this thesis, we analyse this type of networks, regarding shadowing status, mobility patterns and different service requirements. In the multi-hop (MH) scenario, six fixed relays are set up in each cell, which split the cell into seven subcells. For mobility modeling, each subcell is split into several sub-regions. Mobile nodes are able to maintain at each sub-region with a random time distribution and migrate from it to one of its neighboring sub-regions. We also consider three types of services requiring specific number of subcarriers with specific BERs. The set of subcarriers is distributed among... 

    VLSI Architecture for MIMO Detectors in the Complex Domain

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Mahdavi, Mojtaba (Author) ; Vosoughi Vahdat, Bijan (Supervisor) ; Shabany, Mahdi (Supervisor)
    The implementation of high-order multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) detectors in complex domain, which finds applications in advanced wireless standards such as WiMAX and Long Term Evolution (LTE) systems, has always been a challenge in the literature. To address this challenge, two novel detection algorithms with their high-throughput VLSI architectures for a 4×4, 64-QAM complex MIMO detector are proposed in this thesis. The proposed architectures can easily be extended to high-order constellation schemes. For the first algorithm Complexity analysis and the synthesis results in a 0.13μm CMOS technology show that compared to the reported VLSI implementations in the complex domain, the... 

    Cooperative Communications Based on Jointly Network Coding and Rateless Coding Approach and Their Analysis

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Mansourifard, Parisa (Author) ; Nasiri Kenari, Masoumeh (Supervisor)
    In recent years, coded cooperation has been considered as one of the best methods to cope with fading and at the same time to achieve channel coding gain. On the other hand, the idea of network coding has been introduced for increasing the efficiency of cooperative networks. In addition, it has been shown that only by jointly designing of network coding and channel coding, the capacity will be achievable. Also, to adjust the rate to the channel capacity without requiring the channel state information at the transmitter, Rateless coding has been proposed. In this thesis above techniques are combined to gain their advantages and to improve system performance. To this end, first we consider a... 

    Providing Methods for Reducing and Estimating the Power Consumption of Wireless Networks on Chip

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Shirdel, Mojeeb (Author) ; Tabandeh, Mahmoud (Supervisor) ; Rahemi, Bijan (Supervisor)
    In recent years, the possibility of building large systems on chip, called SoC is provided. By scaling the technology, designing Socs will face numerous challenges. The Noc paradigm, has resolved many of the SoC’s problems, by deploying network properties in the structures of on chip interconnections. Today, with advances in the semiconductor industry, we can implement broadband wireless antennas, which are integrated on chip. Such NoCs are called WNoC. Due to immaturity of WNoCs, there still exist big challenges, providing routing algorithm and controlling shared medium via MAV layers, for them. In this project, we will provide a routing algorithm based on tag switching, and then, after... 

    Application of Simulation Optimization in Buffer Allocation Problem Using Genetic Algorithm and Simulated Annealing

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Ramezani Ali Abadi, Majid (Author) ; Kianfar, Farhad (Supervisor)
    Simulation optimization has been one of the most important topics in recent years. It is especially useful when the objective function cannot be computed directly or some of the parameters are stochastic. Buffer allocation problem is one of the important problems related to production lines. In this problem the objective is to determine the buffers between workstations so that the throughput is maximized. Non-linear and combinatorial nature of the problem, stochastic factors like machine breakdown or processing times and most importantly lack of a distinct relation for the objective function are the reasons of using simulation ... 

    Performance Analysis of Flooding-based Broadcasting in Wireless Networks

    , Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology Shah-Mansouri, Hamed (Author) ; Hossein Khalaj, Babak (Supervisor)
    Broadcasting in wireless ad hoc networks serves many important tasks such as data dissemination and route establishment in which one node sends its data to all other network nodes. The most popular form of broadcasting adopted by many ad-hoc protocols is flooding. In flooding, each node receiving a packet from a neighboring node rebroadcasts it exactly once. Wide adoption of flooding for broadcasting traffic is mainly due to its simplicity. The importance of performance analysis of flooding lies on its aforementioned popularity. The parameters of interest in analysis of flooding are network coverage, energy consumption and broadcast throughput while network coverage is the average percentage... 

    Wireless LAN Scheduling for Achieving Multiuser Diversity and QoS

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Marzi, Zhinus (Author) ; Golestani, Jamaloddin (Supervisor)
    Increasing demand for higher data rates and more reliable communications along with growing applications of multimedia networks in everyday life on one hand, and limited resources on the other, have given rise to researches investigating spectrum efficiency enhancement techniques, among which multiuser diversity has always been of considerable importance. This thesis is a study on utilization of multiuser diversity in wireless LANs via scheduling. Where throughput and Quality of Service (QoS) in communication networks are being investigated, it is mostly advantageous to describe the traffic behavior of resources by greedy or non-greedy models. So far, there are plenty of investigations on... 

    Information Flow in Random Wireless Networks

    , Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology Shariatpanahi, Pooya (Author) ; Hossein Khalaj, Babak (Supervisor)
    We analyze the fundamental communication limits and capabilities of random wireless networks. In order to achieve this goal, we investigate and analyze efficient communication strategies in such networks. The traffic model considered is unicasting. Also, we consider two different channel models, namely, the geometric channel model and the random connections model.
    In networks with random connection model, channel powers between different nodes are drawn from a common distribution in an independent manner. We assume an on-off strategy for operation of transmitters, and show that finding the optimum transmission strategy problem is an NP-hard problem. Thus, we propose a heuristic algorithm... 

    UEP CodesBased Cooperative Network With Different User Priorities Approach and Their Analysis

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Mohammadkhani Razlighi, Mohsen (Author) ; Nasiri-kenari, Masoumeh (Supervisor) ; Behroozi, Hamid (Supervisor)
    In recent years, coded cooperation has been considered as one of the best methods to cope with fading and at the same time to achieve channel coding gain. There is a special case of cooperative networks that provide different level of user priority. Among all methods for creating user priority our motivation is to use of UEP codes for this propose. UEP codes are a special case of channel codes that provide different level of protection for message. It means that some part of message that has more protection it has less error. First we review all type of UEP codes and compare them in term of probability of bit error on the AWGN channel. And best code will be choosing for applying to this... 

    VLSI Architecture for Base Band Part of an Optical OFDM Transceiver

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Ghanaatian Jahromi, Reza (Author) ; Shabany, Mahdi (Supervisor) ; Salehi, Javad (Supervisor)
    Optical Communication is a promising technology in access networks because of bandwidth hungry application like videos. So fiber Optic is an important candidate as a media in networks. There are different methods of modulation for transferring data through a channel. Among all, Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing is a method which used in most wired and wireless systems. Recent researches show that OFDM is also a good approach for optical communication.
    In this thesis we concentrate on hardware implementation of digital part of an Optical OFDM transceiver. In the first step we ignore the effect of optical channel and design and simulate the transmitter and receiver. After that we... 

    Analysis of the Effect of Frame Aggregation in IEEE 802.11 Standard

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Soleimani, Mohammad (Author) ; Ashtiyani, Farid (Supervisor)
    In this thesis the effect of frame aggregation mechanism in maximizing throughput in Wireless Local Area Networks (WLANs) have been investigated. Frame aggregation has become a part of the IEEE 802.11 standard as the amendment IEEE 802.11n. First, we have a quick review on access control layer in IEEE 802.11 standard then illustrate the necessity of frame aggregation. Afterwards, we propose an analytical model for the analysis of an IEEE 802.11n network comprised of an Access Point (AP) and several conventional nodes, all in the coverage area of each other. This analytical model focuses on downlink throughput; therefore only AP uses frame aggregation and the other nodes use basic IEEE 802.11... 

    General Review of the Gamma Irradiators for the Purpose of Desing Improvement of Multipurpose Systems

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Hemati, Azam (Author) ; Sohrabpour, Mostafa (Supervisor)
    Ionizing radiation can modify physical, chemical and biological properties of the irradiated materials. At present, the principal industrial applications of radiation are sterilization of health care products including pharmaceuticals, irradiation of food and agriculture products and materials modification. In the above application the wide range of the required doses together with different product densities require spatial mechanical design of the irradiators to be able to properly handle the specified tasks. In the multipurpose irradiators the design of system and positioning of the source must be done in such a way that a nearly optimum dose distaition in the product boxes in... 

    Designing a Distributed Fair Scheduling Algorithm in a Wireless Medium

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Raeis, Majid (Author) ; Golestani, Jamaloddin (Supervisor)
    Fair allocation of bandwidth between stations of a shared medium, is an important and challenging problem. It is even more challenging when there is no coordinator to arbitrate access to the medium and therefore, a distributed algorithm is needed to provide fairness. IEEE 802.11 DCF is the dominant distributed medium access control (MAC) protocol in a wireless LAN. However, DCF is not in general fair and suffers from short-term unfairness. In addition to that, it is desired to provide differentiated service for the stations of a LAN based on their demands. Since priority based protocols may lead to starvation of the low priority traffic, we are more interested in fair queuing. On the other... 

    An Alert Correlation System with the Throughput of Multi-Thousands Events per Second

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Mirheidari, Ali (Author) ; Jalili, Rasoul (Supervisor)
    With the growing deployment of host and network intrusion detection systems, analyzing generated alerts from these systems becomes critically important and challenging due to its complexity and high amount of data. Alert Correlation systems are a possible solution for deep analysis of incoming alerts in response to potential attacks against enterprise networks. Although several known alert correlation systems have been proposed for this purpose so far, most of them do not support high amount of input due to their centralized architecture. In this thesis, we propose a system architecture and approach for alert correlation to be extensible, flexible, and modular. The architecture encompasses... 

    Using FPGA as Accelerator for Processing Units in Big Data Stream Processing Engine

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Darjani, Armin (Author) ; Goudarzi, Maziar (Supervisor)
    Distributed stream processing frameworks (DSPFs) are used for real-time processing of big data. Apache Storm is one of the most popular stream processing systems in industry today. By increasing data generation rate we need new methods to overcome processing requirements of DSPFs like Apache Storm. In this thesis we investigate the feasibility of incorporation FPGA acceleration into Apache Storm. Using FPGAs as co-processors in powerful servers can improve performance and accelerate processing of streaming data by increasing parallelism, decreasing processing time of each processing units and decreasing communication delay between these units. Our design includes a hardware part that... 

    A New Blockchain Scalability Scheme Based on Sharding

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Hediehloo, Alireza (Author) ; Aref, Mohammad Reza (Supervisor) ; Mohajery, Javad (Co-Supervisor)
    Designing a scalable protocol for the blockchain will reduce transaction fees and increase the use of cryptocurrencies for financial transactions. Increasing scalability means that if the investment of nodes increases or the number of network nodes increases, the security of the protocol and the decentralization of the network will be maintained and its throughput will increase. In this thesis, with the aim of increasing scalability, the scaling methods of layer one and layer two are examined and compared, and it is shown that sharding is a better method to achieve scalability. In sharding, nodes are divided into several shards (clusters) and each shard manages its own blockchain. The... 

    Delay and Throughput Analysis of Fiber-radio Networks Based on 5G Heterogeneous and NG-PON2

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Davari, Taha (Author) ; Salehi, Javad (Supervisor) ; Beyranvand, Hamzeh (Supervisor)
    In the future mobile network 5G will offer high speed and low delay but millimeter wave link are poor at penetrating into solid objects. Thus future network will be a hybrid of traditional sub-6GHz macrocells and denser 5G small cells. We develop a general analytical model to derive delay and throughput in this network. First we analyse the initial access delay which is very important in Internet of things and machine to machine communication. Then we go into data delay of network. With the foreseeable explosive growth of small cell deployment, backhaul has become the next big challenge in the next generation network. We analyse two option of fiber and millimeter wave. At the end we have end...