General Review of the Gamma Irradiators for the Purpose of Desing Improvement of Multipurpose Systems
Hemati, Azam | 2013
- Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
- Language: Farsi
- Document No: 44940 (46)
- University: Sharif University of Technology
- Department: Energy Engineering
- Advisor(s): Sohrabpour, Mostafa
- Abstract:
- Ionizing radiation can modify physical, chemical and biological properties of the irradiated materials. At present, the principal industrial applications of radiation are sterilization of health care products including pharmaceuticals, irradiation of food and agriculture products and materials modification. In the above application the wide range of the required doses together with different product densities require spatial mechanical design of the irradiators to be able to properly handle the specified tasks. In the multipurpose irradiators the design of system and positioning of the source must be done in such a way that a nearly optimum dose distaition in the product boxes in achieved.Monte carlo code s can be to achieve the objectives and MCNPX the code wed in this work. The MCNPX calculations were first benchmarked against an experimental /M.C. work that was previously performed on IR-136 gamma irradiator . It had been suggested to redesign the IR-136 to a multipurpose irradiator by reducing level passes from four to two in order to accommodate low dose product. This was to essentially reduce the dose value from the medical range (25 kGy) to food product range (~10kGy). It was shown that making this design modification had caused non-uniform dose distribution in the product boxes. Much higher DUR value as well as cower efficiency and throughput values.Multipurpose tote box irradiator with six rows and two levels were investigated and it was verified that such a system can irradiat products in the density range of 0.1 – 0.5 g/cm3 whit the DUR range of 1.3 – 2.0
- Keywords:
- Irradiation ; Efficiency ; Monte Carlo N-Particle Extended ; Dose Mapping ; Dose Uniformity ; Throughput ; Production Rate
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