
A New Blockchain Scalability Scheme Based on Sharding

Hediehloo, Alireza | 2022

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  1. Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
  2. Language: Farsi
  3. Document No: 55567 (05)
  4. University: Sharif University of Technology
  5. Department: Electrical Engineering
  6. Advisor(s): Aref, Mohammad Reza; Mohajery, Javad
  7. Abstract:
  8. Designing a scalable protocol for the blockchain will reduce transaction fees and increase the use of cryptocurrencies for financial transactions. Increasing scalability means that if the investment of nodes increases or the number of network nodes increases, the security of the protocol and the decentralization of the network will be maintained and its throughput will increase. In this thesis, with the aim of increasing scalability, the scaling methods of layer one and layer two are examined and compared, and it is shown that sharding is a better method to achieve scalability. In sharding, nodes are divided into several shards (clusters) and each shard manages its own blockchain. The components of sharding include the consensus protocol, node assignment, shard reconfiguration, decentralized random number generation, cross-shard transaction, balancing the load of shards, assigning user accounts to shards and changing the number of shards are described, and sharding protocols RapidChain, Elastico, Omniledger and Ethereum 2.0 compared. Then a new sharding protocol is presented. In the proposed sharding protocol, a new consensus protocol based on Abraham protocol with 50% resistance is used. The communication load of the consensus protocol is one degree lower compared to the Abraham protocol with respect to the number of nodes. Due to the decrease in the telecommunication load of consensus protocol, the number of nodes in each shard increased and the overall resistance of the network reached 40%, which is more than the existing sharding protocols. We also provide a protocol for cross-shard transactions that is resistant to replay attacks. In addition, since the number of shards in existing sharding protocols is fixed and the load of shards is not balanced, new protocols are presented to determine the number of shards and balance the load of shards. number of shards is determined according to the Internet bandwidth and hardware capabilities of the nodes, and the load of the shards is balanced according to accounts size and the number of transactions in each shard.
  9. Keywords:
  10. Blockchain ; Consensus ; Throughput ; Communication Overhead ; Blockchain Scalability ; Sharding Protocol ; Sharding Scalability

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