Dendrimers and Other Nanostructures by the Approach of Graph Theory
Mohammad Hasani, Behtash | 2012
- Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
- Language: Farsi
- Document No: 43773 (02)
- University: Sharif University of Technology
- Department: Mathematical Sciences
- Advisor(s): Mahmoodian, Ebadollah
- Abstract:
- In this thesis, we study the application of graph theory in chemistry. Such as, molecular graphs, modeling, algorithms, topologicalindicesandsoon. Themaingoalinthisresearchis collecting problems in chemistry which have mathematical models, specially in graph theory. Also we study the methods applied to them by considering the problems in chemistry with mathematical approach. In particular case, dendrimers and other structures of chemistry have been attributed to some graphs, where by studying their graphical parameters, like connectivity, independent sets, perfect matchings, isomorphism and topological indices and other parameters, we obtain some results in chemistry
- Keywords:
- Nanostructure ; Chemical Graphs ; Dendrimers
محتواي پايان نامه
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- لیست تصاویر
- نمادها
- مقدمه
- گرافهای شیمیایی
- فولرنها
- نانوتیوبها
- دندریمرها
- اندیسهای توپولوژیک
- چندجملهایها
- مراجع
- واژهنامهی فارسی به انگليسی
- واژهنامهی انگليسی به فارسی