
The Simulation of Ice Formation and Growth in Three Phase Flow of Airstream with Supercooled Liquid Water Droplet

Fard, Mohammad | 2011

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  1. Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
  2. Language: Farsi
  3. Document No: 43698 (45)
  4. University: Sharif University of Technology
  5. Department: Aerospace Engineering
  6. Advisor(s): Darbandi, Masoud
  7. Abstract:
  8. In this study, a new finite-element-volume (FEV) arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian (ALE) method is suitably extended to simulate the three-phases flows air, liquid water droplets and ice in ice accretion, i.e., over flying object surfaces. This methods benefit from the advantages of both finite-volume and finite-element methods. This method is developed for the first time to simulate three phases turbulent flows. Since the ice formation and growth needs grid movement consistant with ice boundary movement, we have used ALE approach to fulfill this requirment. In this regard, we use the linear spring analogy approach to move the hybrid triangular-rectangular mesh suitably. Facing with a chaotic ice surface growth, one critical problem is retraction and compaction of grid in this study. Benefiting from the advantages of a unified FEV-ALE method, this important difficulty is resolved and we could readily achieve an accurate solution within an efficient algorithm in three-phase flow threatments. These achievements have been provided via specific novel such as the convection terms at cell faces via using a physical influence upwinding scheme. To simulate the liquid phase, we incorporate the Navier-Stocks equations with the second-phase Eulerian equations, which let to approximate the droplet catching efficiency parameter distribution around the flying object. This parameter can readily provide the necessary information to determine the effect of this parameter on ice formation and growth in icing condition. Our flow solver solves the time-dependent NS equations on unstructured hybrid grid using either first first or second-order time accuracy. Moreover, we have used icing thermodynamics physics to model and in order to analyze water at body surface in this study, i.e., via writing continuity and energy equations for the second-phase. Eventually, we use the extended method and algorithm to simulate ice accretion at airfoil surface, which is subject to icing condition. The results show high accurate and indicate that the current method is sufficiently accurate to analyze ice formation and growth in ice accretion problems
  9. Keywords:
  10. Finite Volume Method ; Three Phase Flow ; Hybrid Grid ; Turbulent Flow ; Finite Element Method

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