Aerodynamic Optimization of Axial Compressors Using Adjoint Equations
Roueeni, Ali | 2011
- Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
- Language: Farsi
- Document No: 44435 (45)
- University: Sharif University of Technology
- Department: Aerospace Engineering
- Advisor(s): Mazaheri, Karim
- Abstract:
- In this study, aerodynamic shape optimization of axial compressors is considered. In order to optimization, one of the gradient based optimization algorithms, namely Adjoint method, is used. Recently, Adjoint method has been emerged as one of the reliable gradient based optimization algorithms in turbomahineries applications. Because this method is a gradient method of optimization, similar to the other entire gradient based algorithms, adjoint method also has a better convergence than non-gradient based optimization algorithms. In this work, aerodynamic shape optimization of two-dimensional cross section through a transonic axial compressor is studied. The process is considered for midspan of this axial compressor. For numerical investigation, finite volume method is used. Also, flux vector splitting scheme is employed for FVM implementation. The governing equations are considered as two-dimensional for cascade blades. Moreover, non-viscous parameters are implemented for numerical investigation. In order to grid generation, H-type structure meshing is used. The optimization problem that is considered for this thesis is inverse design. The objective function is considered as the difference between desired and initial pressure distribution. Also, the steepest descent method is chosen as optimization algorithm in adjoint method. The results show that final answer is in good agreement with desired aerodynamic shape of blade profile. This method of optimization is expandable for three-dimensional blade with Navier-Stocks equations and with different objective functions and constraints. However, the complication of optimization problem in different options would be increased
- Keywords:
- Optimization ; Compressor ; Adjoint Equations ; Gradient Based Method ; Airfoil Optimization
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