Parametric Investigation and Finite Element Modeling of an Innovative Semi-Rigid Beam to Column Connection under Monotonic Loading
Ghaffari, Yousef | 2013
- Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
- Language: Farsi
- Document No: 44920 (09)
- University: Sharif University of Technology
- Department: Civil Engineering
- Advisor(s): Mofid, Masoud
- Abstract:
- This thesis presents the development of a Finite Element Model (FEM) for a new type of Beam-Column Semi-Rigid steel connection. This connection consists of a steel semi cylinder connected to a plate and inserted on the top and bottom of the beam connecting it to the column by welding. It seems that changing the geometry of the semi cylinders and their weld lengths can have a great influence on the rigidity or flexibility of the connection. Therefore, meaningful categories of the connection with different semi cylinder geometries and weld lengths have been modeled and investigated by means of a Finite Element Modeling software ABAQUS, and their moment-rotation curves were driven. Also the Initial and Nonlinear Stiffness and the Ultimate Moment of the connection is specified and the Bi-Linear Moment-Rotation curves are determined using analytical and structural theories and the results are compared with the software modeling results. The results show that this connection fulfills a wide range of functions from rigid to hinge by altering the size and geometry of the beam, column and the semi cylinder. In the end, some changes in order to alter the function of the connection are suggested and models based on them are analyzed and some new ideas are proposed. The ease of installation and lowering the costs of construction are the two other features of this connection which confirm its practical usage in the near future
- Keywords:
- Initial Stiffness ; Moment-Rotation Curve ; Semirigid Connection ; Finite Element Method ; Beam Wall Connection
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