Value-Based Reserve Cost Allocation to Participants of Power Market Based on Secure Load Condition
Nazari, Mohammad Hassan | 2013
- Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
- Language: Farsi
- Document No: 44995 (05)
- University: Sharif University of Technology
- Department: Electrical Engineering
- Advisor(s): Hosseini, Hamid
- Abstract:
- There are a lot of methods for the settlement of the reserve power market which can ultimately lead to a pattern of consumption and generation for each of the participants of the power market. After this step, however, justified and logical methods should be utilized for paying the reserving costs to the participants as in a long-term it can optimize the economic conditions of the market which can result in getting more realistic bidding from the participants. The current methods used for paying the reserving costs are mostly locational marginal prices and pay-as bid approach. By the same token, for receiving the reserving costs from the customers, some consider the desired reliability level and others the power consumption, none of which can accurately identify the users of this service. Another point is that due to the inequality in the payments and the receipts, it is not feasible to take them into consideration as the bases for LMP. In this regard, it seems better to use LMP as the basis for payments to the providers of reserve services As reserving is valuable upon sustaining the load and production in possible incidents, in this thesis the major criteria for the loss of load and loss of generation are utilized rather than the power and reliability of generation and consumption. The reserve price of each provider is equalized with that of the marginal one. In order to check the proportion of the participants in the reserving prices, a justified method based on the real functions of different kinds of reserves in the network is proposed to cover all the expenses. In order to clarify the available relationships with the proposed method, small networks are introduced and analyzed. Also, a 24-bus standard IEEEs network was studied according to the proposed method to analyze its functional validity
- Keywords:
- Cost Allocation ; Generation Loss ; Reserve Settlement ; Reservation Price ; Load Loss
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