Experimental Studies on Various Parametres in Wastewater Treatment by Electrochemical Method
Safari, Sedigheh | 2013
- Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
- Language: Farsi
- Document No: 45080 (06)
- University: Sharif University of Technology
- Department: Chemical and Petroleum Engineering
- Advisor(s): Roosta Azad, Reza; kariminia, Hamid Reza
- Abstract:
- Electrocoagulation is one of the new methods for water and wastewater treatment that is carried out by electrical current. This method is easily applicable to a variety of wastewater. it is highly efficient in organic matter removal and other toxic are and dangerous pollutants.
This study dealt with diesel and COD removal by Electrocoagulation method. Energy consumption, electricity consumption, and the amount of sludge produced by this method was evaluated. Experiments were conducted in a 2 L reactor, consisting aluminum and iron electrodes.The distance between anode and cathode was 5 cm. To evaluate the efficiency of electrocoagulation method, parameters including: pH, time, voltage, supporting electrolyte, electrode material and initial diesel concentration were studied. Variable values of voltage was 4/5 to 10/5 volt, time 10 to 60 min, pH 3 to 11 and initial concentration of diesel 3500 to 11000 mg/L were examined. Furthermore, NaCl was used as supporting electrolyte. The highest efficiency was observed under following conditions: pH 7, time 40 min, voltage 10/5 v, NaCl concentration 0/5 g/L, diesel concentration 3500 mg/L. COD and diesel removal was 99/12±0/16% and 98/83±0/2%, respectively. Energy consumption of 6/47 kwh/m3 was estimated. Amount of sludge production was 1995 mg/L - Keywords:
- Electrocoagulation ; Electrodes ; Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD)Removal Ratio ; Removal Diesel
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