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Experimental Study of Microbial Fuel Cell
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Kariminia, Hamid Reza (Supervisor) ; Yaghmaei, Soheila (Supervisor)
Annually, global energy demand increases. Although oil products meet much part of this demand currently, soaring sustainable supply difficulties and pollution global warming related problems considered as main barriers against reviving alternative energy technologies. To make fundamental changes in global economy, it is necessary to change human lifestyle radically. Such changes will affect all life levels. Fuel sells are a possible (and partial) solution. Fuel cells with proton exchange membrane have better performance in low temperature and more yield compared to other kinds of fuel cells. Microbial Fuel Cells present the newest way for electricity production (from Biomass). A well plan...
Experimental Studies on Various Parametres in Wastewater Treatment by Electrochemical Method
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Roosta Azad, Reza (Supervisor) ; kariminia, Hamid Reza (Co-Advisor)
Electrocoagulation is one of the new methods for water and wastewater treatment that is carried out by electrical current. This method is easily applicable to a variety of wastewater. it is highly efficient in organic matter removal and other toxic are and dangerous pollutants.
This study dealt with diesel and COD removal by Electrocoagulation method. Energy consumption, electricity consumption, and the amount of sludge produced by this method was evaluated. Experiments were conducted in a 2 L reactor, consisting aluminum and iron electrodes.The distance between anode and cathode was 5 cm. To evaluate the efficiency of electrocoagulation method, parameters including: pH, time,...
This study dealt with diesel and COD removal by Electrocoagulation method. Energy consumption, electricity consumption, and the amount of sludge produced by this method was evaluated. Experiments were conducted in a 2 L reactor, consisting aluminum and iron electrodes.The distance between anode and cathode was 5 cm. To evaluate the efficiency of electrocoagulation method, parameters including: pH, time,...
Construction of The Catalyst Layer of a PEM Fuel Cell Using Electrospray Method
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Morad, Mohammad Reza (Supervisor)
Due to Reduction of fossil fuels resources and the pollution caused by using them, it seems inevitable to shift to using reproducible energies. Among different resource of reproducible energy, fuel cell is one of suitable technologies for investigation and development. Fuel cell is an electrochemical system to convert chemical energy of fuel directly to electrical energy. Each fuel cell has seven part (two Bipolar Plate, two electrode, two catalyst layer and polymeric Membrane). Oxidation occur in anode of fuel cell and created electron enters external circuit and then riches the cathode. The positive ion created in the anode reaches the cathode through the membrane (electrolyte) and...
Synthsis of Modified Graphene Nanocomposites Based on Biodegredable Polymers and Investigation of Their Mechanical، Electrochemical and Biological Properties
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Pourjavadi, Ali (Supervisor)
Graphene، a molecular single layer of graphite، has tremendous applications in materials science for the development of nanocomposites، tissue engineering and supercapacitors. Graphene application and its developing applications depend on its essential properties such as excellent mechanical and thermal properties. Accordingly، investigation on graphene has drawn significant attention to itself. Hence، exploitation of these important properties including the induction of graphene sheets in polymer matrix seems to be essential. In the present survey، salep، a biodegradable polysaccharide، has been used for either the reduction of graphene oxide or functionalization of graphene. Then، reduced...
Electrochemical Desulfurization of Sample Oil
, Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology ; Farhadi, Fatolla (Supervisor) ; Shahrokhi, Mohammad (Co-Supervisor)
Since, presence of sulfur compounds in fuels leads to environmental pollution and deacrese of fuel quality, fuel desulfurization should be considered for enhancing the fuel charachteristics. Electrochemical desulfurization was recogonized as one of desulfurization techniques that uses anode and cathode in an electrolytic environment under mild temperature and pressure. In this research, electrochemical desulfurization of crude gas-oil has been studied over electrodes of copper and stainless steel in the presence of NaOH and sulfuric acid. In this research, the effects of operational prameters like stirring rate, temperature, applied potential, sodium hydroxide/sulfuric acid addition as...