Construction of The Catalyst Layer of a PEM Fuel Cell Using Electrospray Method
Ghorbani Nohooji, Sobhan | 2016
- Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
- Language: Farsi
- Document No: 48641 (45)
- University: Sharif University of Technology
- Department: Aerospace Engineering
- Advisor(s): Morad, Mohammad Reza
- Abstract:
- Due to Reduction of fossil fuels resources and the pollution caused by using them, it seems inevitable to shift to using reproducible energies. Among different resource of reproducible energy, fuel cell is one of suitable technologies for investigation and development. Fuel cell is an electrochemical system to convert chemical energy of fuel directly to electrical energy. Each fuel cell has seven part (two Bipolar Plate, two electrode, two catalyst layer and polymeric Membrane). Oxidation occur in anode of fuel cell and created electron enters external circuit and then riches the cathode. The positive ion created in the anode reaches the cathode through the membrane (electrolyte) and combines with the electron from external circuit in the presence of oxygen to produce water. The most important part in fuel cell is catalyst layer which is the main media of reaction. Amount of catalyst loading and porosity of surface play an important role in this layer. These two parameter are strongly influenced by the procedure of loading catalyst on the Catalest Layer. There are different methods of loading. One of the newest method is electrospray in which Electric stress is used to atomization of liquid and creating minuscule drops. The goal of this project is producing the catalyst layer of polymeric fuel cell using electrospray method in lab and evaluating its functionality versus the layers produced by Hand Painting and Airbrush Methods. In order to do that, catalyst Ink has been plated on carbon Paper using electrospray set up under specified loading and approximately uniform and Porous distribution. Then the result has been compared with other methods by evaluating pictures prepared by electron microscope and electrochemical tests
- Keywords:
- Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM)Fuel Cell ; Electrodes ; Electrospray ; Atomizing ; Catalyst Layer
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