- Type of Document: Ph.D. Dissertation
- Language: Farsi
- Document No: 55131 (06)
- University: Sharif University of Technology
- Department: Chemical and Petroleum Engineering
- Advisor(s): Farhadi, Fatolla; Shahrokhi, Mohammad
- Abstract:
- Since, presence of sulfur compounds in fuels leads to environmental pollution and deacrese of fuel quality, fuel desulfurization should be considered for enhancing the fuel charachteristics. Electrochemical desulfurization was recogonized as one of desulfurization techniques that uses anode and cathode in an electrolytic environment under mild temperature and pressure. In this research, electrochemical desulfurization of crude gas-oil has been studied over electrodes of copper and stainless steel in the presence of NaOH and sulfuric acid. In this research, the effects of operational prameters like stirring rate, temperature, applied potential, sodium hydroxide/sulfuric acid addition as electrolyte media and water volume have been examined on the sulfur removal efficiency. The results showed that sulfur removal of 65 % in eight minutes and 77 % in four minutes were obtained in electro-oxidation and electro-reduction desulfurization techniques, respectively. The electrical energy was negligible comparing to thermal energy in electrochemical desulfurization and a second-order rate equation with relative low activation energy (4076.4 J/mol) was proposed for electro-oxidtion desulfurization method. Combination of electro-oxidative and oxidative desulfurization techniques resulted in 93.7 % reduction of sulfur with 362 ppmw sulfur remaining in gas-oil.
- Keywords:
- Electrodes ; Electrolite ; Desulfurizing ; Kinetic Theory ; Electrochemical Method ; Electrolytic Environment ; Electrochemical Oxidation
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