
GIS Based Procedure to Determine Location of Cascade Small Hydropower Plants Case Study, Nokhan Area

Serpoush, Behrad | 2013

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  1. Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
  2. Language: Farsi
  3. Document No: 45470 (09)
  4. University: Sharif University of Technology
  5. Department: civil engineering
  6. Advisor(s): Shamsai, Abolfazl
  7. Abstract:
  8. Coinciding with the worldwide environmental issues and increasing demand for clean energy sources, hydropower plants have highly attracted decision- makers attention. Low manufacturing costs and pollutions which are made by these plants in comparison with another types of powerhouses, could be reason of that. And so on, hydropower locating and evaluating studies have been highly increased recently, specifically in developing countries. From the point of operation procedure, hydropower plants are generally divided in two types, run-of-he-river and storage projects. This study has concentrated on run-of-he-river projects and due to spotting plant location, Sefidbarg river basin in Nokhan area nearby the Kermanshah province in Iran has been argeted as the case study because of its steep and durable rivers during the year.In this study, three parameters which are, available discharge at weir site, length of horizon distance between weir and turbine and maximum obtained head, have been considered to locating hydropower locations. Methodology begins with analyzing targeted district DEM in ArcGIS in order to extract flow network layers and then, using these layers as the input for a code which has been developed in MATLAB. This code investigates flow network layers in there different horizon length between weir and turbine determined by operator, one, two and five kilometers by maximum obtainable head and stream order as the criteria. Finally the best locations for hydropower plants in every specific length and stream order have been computed and introduced. To present the best available location for weir and diversion dam, an economic analysis has been provided over four choices came out as outputs from the code.For every mentioned horizon distances, that are one, two and five kilometers, best locations for related weir and turbine could provide 50 meters of head when maximum horizon distance was considered one kilometer and stream order was considered one. When maximum horizon distance could be two kilometers, maximum obtained head would be 51 and 70 meters for stream orders as one and two respectively. And for the case with maximum horizon distance as five kilometers, the maximum obtainable head was equal to 106 meters with the stream order equal to one. For economical analyses, net present value, benefit-cost rate and internal rate of return have been chosen as evaluating criteria. As the final result, the case which in horizon distance was equal to 1980 meters, with stream order as two and 51 meters obtainable head has been concluded as the best economical and technical case
  9. Keywords:
  10. Hydroelectric Power Plant ; Economic Analysis ; Site Assessment ; Geographic Information System (GIS) ; Feasibility Study ; Site Spotting

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