
Numerical Simulation of Mass Transport in Cardiovascular System

Haji Gholami, Iman | 2014

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  1. Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
  2. Language: Farsi
  3. Document No: 45550 (08)
  4. University: Sharif University of Technology
  5. Department: Mechanical Engineering
  6. Advisor(s): Firoozabadi , Bahar; Saidi, Mohammad Said
  7. Abstract:
  8. In this dissertation, mass transport in cardiovascular system has been simulated using one-dimensional approach. As one-dimensional simulation has computation cost less than that of the three-dimensional simulations, and as it is more precise than lumped models, they are extensively used in the study of the phenomena in cardiovascular system. In addition, such an approach is more useful in the extraction of medical indices. In this study, a one-dimensional geometry of the systemic arteries has been used to solve momentum and continuity equations using characteristics method.
    At first, the physiological data of the systemic arteries have been used to simulate a one-dimensional geometry of the systemic network of 48 arteries. Thereafter, the flow velocity field, pressure profiles, and the discharge rates of the main arteries have been calculated using characteristics method. The outflow boundary conditions for momentum and continuity equations have been defined by coupling of the above-mentioned one-dimensional model and the structured arteries tree model.
    Heart outflow has been used as the inlet boundary condition of these equations. To ensure the accuracy of the results, the values of pressure and flows have been compared with the numerical and experimental results of the previous studies. Moreover, mass transport in the cardiovascular system has been simulated by solving concentration equation. Assuming that mass transport has no effect on the flow field, the concentration equation has been solved by momentum and continuity equation in a non-coupled manner. To solve the concentration equation, finite difference method has been employed. The boundary condition for this equation has been considered as Dirichlet for inlet condition and Neumann for outlet condition. The simulation results for two different inlet boundary conditions have been presented.
    In the first simulation, it was assumed that the inlet concentration was constant at the beginning of the cardiovascular system. After solving the equation, the concentration distribution of other arteries was obtained. In the second simulation, the time that concentration is entered into the blood circulation is equal to 2 seconds. After this time, no mass enters into the artery. Each inlet boundary condition can be used for the simulation of drug injection to cardiovascular system in a short or long term.
  9. Keywords:
  10. Characteristics Method ; Mass Transfer ; Cardiovascular System ; One Dimensional Simulation ; Systemic Blood Circulation

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