Radar Directional Finding by Interferometric Method in 2-18 GHzBW
Pournadim, Hamid Reza | 2014
- Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
- Language: Farsi
- Document No: 46249 (05)
- University: Sharif University of Technology
- Department: Electrical Engineering
- Advisor(s): Farzane, Frohar; Pezeshk, Amir Mansor
- Abstract:
- One of the important jobs of ESM and Elint receiver is to find the direction of arrival of the targets. Also DOA estimation has applications in guiding missiles and jammers location, position finding using of multiple DF systems which are placed in different locations is the most important use of this type of system.
A DF system has multiple parts: receiver, algorithm and arrays of antennas.
Amplitude comparison algorithms are more simple but on the other hand phase comparison algorithms prepare more accurate estimation. In this thesis these algorithms are simulated and to each other. And it will be concluded that, in the application being test, the "MUSIC" algorithm is the best. But it should be noted that this algorithm need accurate calibration which has been investigated in the thesis.
Antenna array is another port of DF system which has simulated and compared with different geometry and beam patterns.
Well known receivers has been studied and compared to each other.
A GUI MATLAB based software has been design to integrated all of the DF systems parts which allows the users to simulate and compare effects of any change in receivers, array beam pattern and geometry, algorithms and calibrations.
The chapters of the thesis is as follow:
The first chapter is an introduction. Second chapter will explain the former and historical line of DOA estimation. Analytical explanation and integration of different parts of a DF system has been investigated in chapter three. Simulation results and software tutorial is prepare in chapter four. And conclusion and references are gathered at the last.
- Keywords:
- Direction Finding ; Calibration ; Multiple Signal Classification (MUSIC)Algorithm ; Direction of Arrival (DOA)Estimation ; Phase Difference Method ; 2-18 GHz Directional Findiny
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