
Finite Element Simulation of Nanoindentation and Nanoscratch Tests on Nanocoatings

Nazemian, Mohsen | 2014

737 Viewed
  1. Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
  2. Language: Farsi
  3. Document No: 46256 (08)
  4. University: Sharif University of Technology
  5. Department: Mechanical Engineering
  6. Advisor(s): Farrahi, Gholamhossein; Fallah Rajabzadeh, Famida
  7. Abstract:
  8. Coatings are used in order to prevent wear, corrosion, thermal gradient reduction, surface strength improving and many other applications in industries. One of the common applications of coatings, is to prevent wear and surface abrasion. Hardness and friction coefficients are two parameters that determine the wear properties of a coating. Determining these parameters in very thin films is only possible by nanoindentation and nanoscratch tests. Surface hardness, young modulus and fracture toughness can be obtained using nanoindentation and friction coefficient is calculated from nanoscratch.
    Finite element method is widely used for simulating the nanoindentation and nanoscratch experiments in last few years. According to small scale of the parts, Surface roughness can have a considerable effect on the results. So it seems necessary to model roughness on these surfaces.
    In this project, first nanoindentation and nanoscratch is simulated on a smooth surface, then a layer of coating is considered and the effect of this coating on wear and hardness properties of our sample is investigated. Finally the effect of surface roughness on the experiment results is studied. The simulation and experiment results showed that the results are affected by the surface roughness and the results of rough surface model are closer to the experimental results.
  9. Keywords:
  10. Surface Roughness ; Nanoindentation ; Finite Element Modeling ; Nanoscratch ; Nanocoatings

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